Islam It may be ideological, as about the greatest possible gap to bridge, but still happens: Joram van Klaveren, a former PVV politician and right hand of Geert Wilders, converted to islam. That he reports in the Dutch media. “I get suddenly questions such as: hate you now gay? You go now to Syria?”

Joram Van Klaveren was once right hand of PVV-leader Geert Wilders, called for a boerkaverbod and for ‘de-islamization’ of the Netherlands. Now he knows two surahs (chapters) of the Qur’an, is Muhammad, his prophet, and he goes through life as a muslim, he says today in talks with NRC Handelsblad and This is the day (EO) .

From Klaverens striking conversion is the result of his quest for the origins of islam, in the context of his new book with the title: the Apostate. The change of islamcriticus to muslim . “I looked at my Bible in the cabinet, on the table for me layers of books about the prophet Muhammad”, tells Of Clubs in the Dutch newspaper NRC about the time that he is more muslim than christian felt.

“It was not really a happy moment for me. I thought: if everything up to now I have written correct, if I have all faith… then I am de facto muslim,’ said Van Klaveren. “The years before, I had a great aversion developed against islam. If you are then you must conclude that you are not at the right end, then that’s not fun. But if godszoeker I felt a certain restlessness. And that disappeared gradually. It felt a bit like coming home, in a religious sense.”

The conversion looks amazement in his area, says Van Klaveren. “I get suddenly questions such as: hate you now gay? You go now to Syria? You may still have a dog to pet? I have contributed to the sustaining and nurturing a bad image of islam, but you can’t imagine how these practices work, until you get there yourself.”

Van Klaveren, previously protestant reformed, was to 2014 Member of the Dutch parliament for the PVV. After the riot around ‘less Moroccans’ he stepped out of the party and began with partijgenoot Louis Bontes of the new right-wing party For the Netherlands . I didn’t got zero seats in the elections of 2017. Bontes and Van Klaveren pulled then the power plug from the usa and EUROPE.

He is not the first ex-PVV’er who turned to islam, repent. Previously did the former PVV-council member, Arnoud van Doorn (The Hague) is that also all.

See also

Dewinter get along with Wilders against islamization (20/01/2018).