The socialist framtidsdebatten has since the election been going on around the country. It is good that Sara Karlsson, Markus Kallifatides and Daniel Suhonen, are now contributing with their thoughts.

But the socialist renewal should not be based on the party in all the issues will be whether vänsterradikaliseras or mittenanpassa. It is, instead, a serious and sustainable freedom and jämlikhetsanalys of the societal challenges that should guide the renewal.

”Reformisternas” posts is basically good, even if they lift the several issues that many within the social democrats are already debating. But some of their thoughts threaten to drag in the wrong direction.

contains 20 problematic proposal, which, however, often possible to manage. But 131 out of a total of 172 proposals have great potential to contribute to a progressive development of society. In addition, can a government control much else. And the right-wing parties have been offside.

Still, the deal will not be enough. The social democrats need to develop their policies themselves, so that the party can mobilize increased support and embed to be able to control, through effective collaboration, even after the next election. You must have both the right and get the right. It is doubtful if Reformisternas proposal contributes to both.

the social democrats should have high aspirations for the welfare and employment. But unlike a vänsterradikal economic policies, social justice and never risk the orderliness of the public finances.

for increased taxation of capital income, and acted to stop the tax evasion. Återinförd property tax and no interest deductibility is not the fault of the thing. But to implement both at the same time would hit disproportionately hard against the millions of household economy, in a location which is already characterised by increased requirements and rising mortgage rates.

the pension increases now sharp. But to unravel the entire scheme would put at risk the stable basis on which pensions are based. It is possible, however, to raise pensions, within the framework of the system, by raising the pension contributions during the career years.

Shortened normalarbetstid without the lowered salary is one of the major framtidsmöjligheterna. But such changes should be based on an in-depth analysis of how digitization, automation, robotics, and AI can contribute to increased productivity without the requirement on the number of hours worked.

global market governance within the welfare system. But in order to create an equal school, it would be better with government funding, than that state determine what tax, which municipalities should take out.

Also in the area of climate contains regeringsöverenskommelsen an ambitious programme of reform that can not be brushed aside.

Reformisternas list contains many suggestions on how resources can be allocated, but the lack of thoughts on how these resources should be created and grow. Socialist policies need to build on both growth and distribution.

Reformers raises several issues of concern, even if several are already discussed within the social democrats. At the same time characterized the posts of a vänsterradikalitet that – as well as a far-reaching mittenanpassning of the party’s own statements – would risk marginalising the party. But it is important to affirm an open idédebatt about how the party can tackle the major challenges facing society in the future.