The concept of Hubertus Heil is an important, Yes: a wonderful project. A means test would be to pension provisions. You would make millions of retirees to welfare beneficiaries.

comment by Heribert Prantl Heribert Prantl

Prof. Dr. Heribert Prantl is a member of the editorial Board of the süddeutsche Zeitung, he has led for 25 years, the Department of the interior policy and is now the head of the departments opinion. He teaches as an honorary Professor for legal studies at the University of Bielefeld. He’s right, history and philosophy studied, in parallel, a journalistic training, and in copyright and competition law a doctorate. Before he left in 1988 as political editor for the SZ, he was a Prosecutor and judge in Bavaria. He loves the music of the upper Palatinate, compatriot Christoph Willibald Gluck. When he hears the put by he novels, history books, the “pure legal doctrine”, and even the Süddeutsche Zeitung.

Heribert Prantl has written the price of numerous political books and, for the first book, “Germany, flammable” he received the Geschwister-Scholl -. Among its other awards including the science award of the house of Thurn and Taxis, the Kurt-Tucholsky-prize of the rhetoric-the price of the University of Tübingen, Germany, Hildegard Hamm-Brücher-price, of the seven Pfeiffer award, the Wilhelm-Hoegner-price and the Brüder-Grimm-prize of the University of Marburg. For his editorials on the major Christian holidays of the faculty of theology of the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, he was awarded the Dr. h. C. theology. Recent book publications: “In the name of humanity. Save the refugees” (2015); “in Spite of all of this. Europe, you got to love” (2016) and “instructions for use of the populists” (2017).

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Hubertus Heil promises to the pensioners Paradise. He transforms small pensions in the stately and pensions. But he promises the little pensioners a pension, you reasonably can in life. To this end, he top up very low pensions from tax revenues. This is a real, an important, a social state, so a wonderful project; a project that gives the debates on social security and social justice, a new push is.

But it is, so the critics, a system is contrary to the projects. You are right. The System, which the treatment’s basic pension is contrary to the System of statutory pension insurance. Pensions are financed from contributions, not from taxes, such as healing want to for the pension Supplement. Because the pensions are financed by contribution, you are also protected by the Constitution of the guarantee of Ownership. A tax financing of a portion of the pension would cause damage to this warranty.

means-testing would, However, the basic approach of Hubertus Heil discredit

: in Germany There are three to four million pensioners, who, for decades, low wages, worked hard, educated children, and relatives have maintained. You can point to a respectable life and still get only a measly pension. These pensioners can bite of the guarantee of Ownership with nothing down; this guarantee makes the measly pension is not higher, but just be sure. The reference to the guarantee of Ownership, which would be at risk of Heil’s basic pension is, indeed, derided, ultimately, pensioners. You will be fobbed off with a principle; stones instead of bread, you have said earlier.

You must decide what is more important: the previous principle of the statutory pension insurance is financed by contributions and should stay. Or to give the social state principle, which seeks people’s social security and also practice.

healing is not, strictly speaking, pension policy, but poverty policy. Is that bad? It is just unusual. Admittedly, The Considerations, the issues Hubertus Heil, are actually more in the range of Hartz IV at home. But Hartz IV is poisoned, and it would be very unfortunate to refer to a pensioner after decades of work there. Many recipients of social services was entitled to hesitate even now to use these services.

It is logical, if salvation is dispensed for its basic pension on a means test. With a means-testing millions of pensioners would be to welfare recipients. The difficulties faced by the job centre in the framework of the services of Hartz IV, all of the loin and part of a discriminatory Prüferei, would in future take place not only in the granting of unemployment benefit, but also in the granting of a pension. The administrative burden would be enormous. The identification effort would be made by the pension scheme, it has to do with the determination of pension insurance periods.

A means test would discredit the basic approach of Hubertus Heil: he’s right to respect for the life of the retiree, not to snooping around in the lives of the pensioners. To do it the right way, therefore, to correspond to a live performance, which is shown in 35 years of contribution and in the education and care times. If the economy laments about what pensions will cost – the basic pension will not be placed on the high edge, she goes to the consumer. The basic pension does, therefore, also the state of the economy and the society as a whole anyway.