Foreign Football British media report that a body is visible in the vliegtuigwrak that the Argentine footballer Emiliano Sala and pilot David Ibbotson transported. Whether it is the body of Sala (28) or Ibbotson (59) is not yet known. Yesterday was the missing sportvliegtuigje found.

The missing sportvliegtuigje that the Argentine footballer Emiliano Sala (28) being transported, was yesterday found. According to scheepswrakjager David Mearns, whose company by the family of the Sala was turned on to the plane to find the plane was, yesterday morning located, right after the start of the search. The West-Flemish company GEOXYZ identified the vliegtuigwrak with the help of a onderwaterrobot, confirms Patrick Reyntjens of the company to VTM NEWS.

GEOXYZ was last week for the first time will be contacted by the British Air Accidents Investigation Brach (AAIB), a part of the ministry of Defence. “Our people on the OceanIII have Saturday in the indicated zone, 40 kilometres north of Guernsey, an anomaly on the seabed discovered”, says Reyntjens. With specialized onderwaterrobbots could wreck what was later identified visually.

Father and family shocked

The news comes as a blow to the family of the footballer. Horacio Sala, father of Emiliano, responded shocked. “I can’t believe it, I’m desperate. My wife, my two children and some friends from Emiliano to be with me. Today I have with no one communicated. I talk to every day, but because my phone is not WhatsApp, it is difficult to communicate for me and for others to communicate with me,” said Horacio on the Argentinian news channel Crónica Televisión.

About the bodies of both occupants, nothing is yet known. “Out of respect for the relatives, I will now no details about the findings,” said Mearns from Guernsey. The British Luchtvaartinspectie is, according to him, today in a statement.