The electoral machinery of the Athletic is already in place. Josu Urrutia does not figure, from the last day 18, as president. Only, as a “primus inter pares”, is a member of the managing board who is leading the club until the elections, scheduled for 27 December, but at this point, it seems barruntarse that they are not going to celebrate.
there Are eight names that are listed in that directive interim, a part of the board dimisionaria. Between them do not figure José Ángel Corres, the vice-president, and that, according to all the sources consulted by this newspaper, could be the candidate “officer” to the presidency, and possibly, the only name that appears from now until the time of delivery of the securities, in the form of signatures, the 7th December next.
Since Urrutia announced his resignation and called for elections, to have shuffled several names of possible candidates. One of them, José Antonio Jainaga, president of Sidenor, was the only one who proclaimed less than a year ago, his intention to fight for the position, but the weather has cooled down his first impulse and right now it is clear that it will not participate. It is not known nothing of the group headed by Mario Fernandez, son of the former president of the BBK, and former counselor of the Basque Government. Among the officers of the board of Urrutia, was the name of Alberto Uribe-Echevarria, but that possibility seems to vanish, as the Javier Aldazabal, the secretary of the board. His membership of the managing board, it seems to clarify things. Another partner that sounded, chef Aitor Elizegi, has been charged with personally giving the runaround enough to rule out his attendance to the elections. The fact that any candidate who has not belonged to the board of Urrutia, have to attest to € 19 million corresponding to 15% of the budget, according to the Law of the Sport, serves as a deterrent for applicants.
MORE INFORMATION Josu Urrutia leaves the presidency of the Athletic and calls the elections The phantom of the biennium, black round San Mamés
In this scenario, the only name that appears is that of José Angel Corres, until a few days ago vice-president of the club, has a degree in economics from the University of Deusto and president of the Chamber of Commerce of Bilbao. You refused a week ago his interest to be elected president, but in just a few days has changed his position. According to some sources, the PNV, the party to which it belongs, and under which he has developed most of his professional career, he has “suggested” to You that you should be the Bahis Siteleri candidate, and that his next service had to be Athletic.
The Basque Nationalist Party has been, usually, the catalyst of bahis siteleri the candidates winning in elections rojiblancas, but always have been denied the leadership of the party, its direct influence on the same. As the first president who adopted the formula of one member one vote, Beti Duñabeitia, became years later the mayor of Bilbao for the PNV. In the last elections, in 2012, won by Josu Urrutia, from some batzokis (locations of the PNV), proceeded to suggest by telephone to the members, who were also members of the Athletic, that it passed by such local and avalaran with his / her signature the nomination of the now-dismissed chairman of the club, which sparked the anger of some nationalist leader, as Iñaki Anasagasti, contrary to politicize the elections. “In any assembly the party has decided this”, he claimed seven years ago.
The last candidate that won the elections and lacked the placet implicit PNV –José Julián Lertxundi and Fernando García Macua–, were torpedeados in its task by the means of nationalist. None of the two was able to repeat the mandate in the next elections.
José Ángel Corres, with a distinguished career as a director of companies and institutions, is, interestingly, the only member of the board of Josu Urrutia that, six years ago, came out of the lane marked by the president and made a statement, in the second season of Bielsa, when atletico went into a spin: “In this life, no one has full confidence, especially if the results do not accompany it. Bielsa has not been questioned at any time, but obviously we all have a credit that is going to be exhausting,” he said. The argentine coach replied, ninguneando the vice president: “How is it called?, What Cores?, what job has? I don’t know if with intention or not, nothing you say “Cores”, it’s going to improve or worsen our chances, but what you said goes in the opposite direction of what is necessary”. There were No more aftershocks. Neither before nor after, neither he nor any other manager, to the margin of Urrutia, made more statements in seven and a half years.