MORE INFORMATION socialism is biological in Dos Hermanas Almeria, the depression of a land of entrepreneurship

Albert Rivera was born in Barcelona, as is well known, but meets eight surnames andalusian, four grandparents malaga and a mother who was born in the serrano municipality of Cútar, specifically in the number 6 of the street Dyers. There acts as the custodian and master of the keys, don Antonio Santiago, uncle of the leader of Citizens, a professor of EGB retired reference and testimonial on the hagiography of the golden boy of liberalism: “Albert was a boy a very formal, very athlete, good student. And he lived as a child in Barcelona on the impact of sovereignty. Because the business of their parents is already exposed, then the exercise of intimidation. And because he lived at home, the discomfort, the unease, in that there were those who felt spaniards”.

it makes sense that Inés Arrimadas, jerezana of birth and university in Seville, has been involved in the campaign of the 2D, as also has it that Rivera has emphasized its origins to nurture the candidacy of John Marin. Especially in the territory of Malaga, fortress election of a party that aspires to stimulate the mobilization of “the people, the self-employed, the liberals, voters weary of bipartisanship, of immobility, of corruption”, as he explains to THE COUNTRY the mayor of Mijas. Named Juan Carlos Maldonado and represents your bracelet orange an example of the mutating nature of Citizens in the stylization of the hinge. Because it was socialist. Because it started to govern in 2015 thanks to the PP. And because now it does thanks to the PSOE, although the juncture rugged of its city Council does not imply that going to be extrapolated to the 3D agreement between John Marin, a candidate of Cs, and Susana Díaz.

“it makes No sense to renew the compact because the PSOE has failed to fulfill its commitment on such important issues as transparency, the regeneration, the stimulus to labour,” explains Maldonado. “Susana Díaz has not fulfilled its part. That’s why we’ve taken away the trust.”

Mijas is a municipality Spanish, and the political space where more power government exercises in all of Spain Citizens: 80,000 inhabitants, 150 square kilometers, terrain in the zipper of the coast to the mountain in which they reside to 11,000 british and where they take root 12 golf courses as if they were oases of grass litter. The cosmopolitanism encyclopedic -125 nationalities— coexists with veneration of totem the donkey. Not Hititbet already by the bronze sculpture that serves as mount for the selfies of the foreigners, but because the donkey-taxi at the disposal of the locals and the outsiders provides a method of transport that is genuine and represents at the same time the allegory of Citizens in this lab political of the Costa del Sol: stubborn, steady, slow and sure.

So walk, don Antonio Santiago in the hamlet of Cútar. To reach it by car by the meandering half-paved surface of the region of Axarquia (eastern territory of Malaga) requires an overdose of biodramina and quite a bit of attention at the wheel. Was founded by the arabs. In fact, in the vicinity of the bar of Lucas, the original business of the maternal grandfather of Rivera, appeared accidentally to a remote copy of the Qur’an (XIII century) and some old texts of jurisprudence, and of proverbs that will serve as a heritage to the inauguration of a museum about islam.

Where rules the game orange?

One reason for the success of Citizens is that it has not been worn in the exercise of power. Makes it easier that they do other games, but not exposed too much to the direct management. And does not in any capital city. There are exceptions of the municipal area. And Mijas is the case more eloquently, but there are also mayors oranges in 76 other municipalities. The community most fertile is Castilla y León (52). We follow Valencia’s (9). Others are distributed in Andalusia (5), Castilla-La Mancha (4), Extremadura (3), and Aragon (3).

The paradox of Cútar is that Citizens lack of municipal representation. Four councillors are from the PP, and three from the PSOE, although the party of orange grows and grows on the coast. His best result in 2015 the whole of Andalusia —regional elections— there was allegorical, premonitoriamente in Rincón de la victoria (Málaga). A percentage (16,66%) is similar to that of Mijas (14,47%), but lower than the polls predict that on the night of 2 December. Could have sorpasso for the PP. And could even result in an agreement of legislature with the PP.

this Is the hypothesis is more optimistic. In order to be consolidated, Citizens despite the biography andaluza de Arrimadas and Rivera in relief of a candidate less corpulent, John Marin, even though the battle for Malaga means the heavy weights of the opponents. Juanma Moreno (PP) and Teresa Rodriguez (Forward Andalusia) are heads of bahis sitesi list, and opponents of the applicant’s most energetic Citizens: Javier Imbroda. Is a basketball star —he was the coach of the senior team and the Unicaja Malaga—, a coach, a charismatic converted into political expression and speech optimistic, cosmopolitan, which claims its Citizens in the territory.

“it was Not easy to work as an alternative”, explains Juan Carlos Maldonado. “The two-party system was well entrenched. 40 years of the PSOE in the Board are added to the force of the PP in the coast. Corruption has characterized both parties. Hence has arisen the alternative of a training which is liberal in economic matters, but progressive in social. Citizens is identified with regeneration, the transparency, but also with the encouragement of labour and business”.

he Held Francisco Toscano, mayor of Dos Hermanas (Seville) that socialism can win in Andalusia, the biological memory of the voters. Citizens not opposed to biology, nor tradition of the territory. Opposes the genetics of Albert Rivera, and the ability of the mutant Citizens.