The Spanish politics, as in other european countries, he sins from an excess of legislation, it irritates those who, as judges or lawyers, must then deal with a dense and complex network of rules. In this form of governance underlies the idea that problems are solved by enacting laws, a principle widely debatable. Laws are made to improve the coexistence with reasonable standards, not to address problems short-term. But still there is something worse than that wrong belief: consider sufficient the mere drafting of a law to tackle the challenge.

In the field of education, the fever Spanish legislative is especially high and incongruous. Since we reinstated democracy, have already enacted seven standards. All have triggered passionate debates. None has achieved consensus between the two parties that come alternating in power: PP and PSOE, who were able to, for example, that of dividing the members of the General Council of the Judiciary; covenant now broken for reasons unrelated to their political agreements.

The project of educational reform that has been launched by the Government of Pedro canlı casino oyunları Sanchez, and would become the eighth of democracy, promises to stumble with the İnterbahis same stone as the previous. The proposals socialists are interesting and repealing of some of the most answered the call law Wert launched by the Executive of Mariano Rajoy. But, again, the Executive in turn wants to take forward its project without the support of the main opposition party. The result is predictable: the next conservative government will propose to the ninth standard to which the wheel without an end follow around. With so much change in a matter so crucial, it seems a miracle that the Spanish education system is not in a worse situation in the international studies.

The advantage of the reform policies is that they allow making announcements bombastic scarce. It has happened with the exhumation of Francisco Franco from the Valley of the Fallen, among others. The education may again become a victim is important because, in need of consensus to give it a certain stability, the proposal part of a party with only 84 mps (out of a total of 350). You may exceed the transaction as organic law (absolute majority in the Parliament), but is doomed to a short life if the PP refuses to support it. You may not even Citizens to support it.

There are, according to experts, an important consensus education: the quality of teaching is directly proportional to the quality of the teachers. The key to improvement is to elevate the training of teachers. However, this does not extend the government’s proposal because it does not need any law. Just to reinforce the Body of Inspectors and facilitate the continuing training of teachers. But, of course, then you must not be doing ads that make big headlines and cause the impression to be managing important issues.