WhatsApp has become by own merits in the standard application messaging in half the world and in Spain, who is not localizable in this way, you are going to live certainly isolated. The popular messaging application has been updated this week to incorporate the expected Stickers, these emoticons oversized that have already raged in other chat applications like LINE or Telegram, and the product of Facebook continues to gradually incorporating new features. However, some by pure ignorance or because the tool is not as explicit, still face difficulties to carry out certain tasks:

Message to someone who is not on our list of contacts

that employ a lot of platforms such as Wallapop, you know that at a given time will be necessary to send a WhatsApp to a recipient that is neither in the phonebook nor, given its fleeting nature, we want you to be. How do you do it? Create a temporary contact is a hassle that eventually ends up unnecessarily increase our agenda, but nevertheless, WhatsApp requires that the recipient is on our list of contacts. However, you can overcome this limitation by pasting in the URL of the browser of the mobile chain “https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=XXXXXXXXXXX” by replacing the x by the number of the recipient, and adding the ’34’ of Spain before the number itself.

Audios without keeping the finger pressing

The Onbahis asynchronous communication of WhatsApp allows us to send small slices of voice (the famous audio) to our partner. The problem is that many users believe that you have to maintain all the time your finger pressing the button on the microphone while talking, something that can be uncomfortable if the message is long. However, you can set the recording audio: to do this, simply press the microphone icon and slide your finger to the lock icon that appears later; this is done, the application will record the audio without the need of touching the screen.

Rescuing an important piece of information out of a conversation

Sure has happened to more than one: in a conversation by using WhatsApp, we indicate a telephone number, current account or address that later we need, and has been buried by the barrage of messages that have arrived below. Well, there is a way of highlighting that particular message to retrieve it later: to do this, simply hold your finger down on the text that we have been sent, and subsequently click on ‘Highlight’; to retrieve this message, you should go to Settings/featured Posts.