The president of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sanchez and the Portuguese prime minister, António Costa have gathered this Wednesday at Valladolid in the framework of the 30th Summit took place recently. The meeting coincided with the 40th anniversary of the signing of the treaty of friendship and cooperation between the two countries.

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Both leaders have signed seven agreements and declarations. The first that has featured Sanchez will strengthen cooperation in Civil Protection in the border areas to the fire. The countries have also agreed to a strategy-iberian struggle against depopulation and recognition of the border areas. Aging and depopulation are one of the major challenges facing both countries, especially in what is known as The Stripe. Sanchez and Costa have committed themselves to the development of a joint work of analysis and cooperation, with specific measures for these areas, and have signed a memorandum for the adoption of a common strategy, whose conclusions need to be known to April 30, 2019, as stated in the statement issued by the Spanish Executive after the meeting.

it has Also reached agreements on employment and social affairs, have shared their experiences against the precariousness of employment and the raising of minimum wages. The exchange of experts in museums and the teaching of Portuguese and Spanish have occupied part of the conversations about education, and, in addition, it has addressed a future joint project for the development of supercomputers.

In the field of the environment, Sanchez and Costa have addressed the fight against invasive species in the Guadiana river, the trade with Latin america and emigration.

Portugal and Spain have addressed the energy interconnection between the two countries, Sanchez has announced that Valladolid will be from April 2020 the starting point of a traveling exhibition on the round the world of Magellan and Elcano.

“The european dimension of our character ibérico”, points out Sánchez, has occupied part of the meeting, has pointed out, “they have spoken about the Brexit, the need for the adoption of Savoybetting the financial perspectives that serve as the basis for the budgets of europe” and of the european summit in December in Brussels. “We hope to continue to advance the process of economic and political integration of the EU”, said the president of the Government.

On the issue of migration, have approved a declaration of commitment to the summit on that area that is to be held shortly in Marrakech (Morocco).

Coast has featured talks on migration and the joint exhibition of Valladolid. “We want to give a modern vision and progressive in our history”, added the representative Portuguese. One of his “satisfaction” after the meeting, said the prime minister, is what provides the common strategy for the border regions that will come out of this summit. to reduce costs in both countries and for the Iberian peninsula can contribute to Europe for a better mix of renewable energies. With great pleasure announcement that we have signed the commitment to achieving the desired road connection between Zamora and Braganza, it is fundamental to provide to this area a direct contact with Europe”, he added.

Both leaders have appeared before the media in a joint press conference in the chapel of San Gregorio. After you have been moved to the museum of Contemporary Art Patio Herreriano, where they will share a gala dinner offered by the Municipality of Valladolid. A demonstration of prison officers At the gates of the headquarters of the summit, a manifestation of prison officers has been received with whistles to the political leaders.

last Monday, Sanchez presented the formula of the world set in Rabat, the first moroccan minister, Saadedín Al Othmani, and the king Mohamed VI, who was “has been very receptive” to the proposal. According to the president of the Government, if thrives the offer “will be the first time that it submits a nomination between two continents”. The leaders have not mentioned the matter of this world.

Faith of errors

In a first version of this story stated the initiation of joint projects between Spain and Portugal to address for a future connection between Zamora and Braganza, it would be “rail”, by an error in the simultaneous translation of the words of the Portuguese prime minister, Antonio Costa. That possible connection, however, it would be by road.