The speaker is smart has the days counted as a central element of the connected home. The new appliance, which responds to voice commands to activate devices, you are missing something critical: more intelligence. Its evolution is a butler virtual formed by sensors scattered throughout the rooms of the house, that collects data permanently on the activity of the inhabitants and learn of their behaviors to act without an express order. It is the proposal of a Spanish company selected by the Consumer Electronics Show 2019 (CES) in Las Vegas (united States) to be presented in the largest global event of the sector.

Jose Murillo, from Microsoft, and Jesus Gonzalez, Intel, working at home with their 13 employees. Do not do so in their respective homes, but in a house in Sanlúcar la mayor (Seville), which have become the main laboratory of Smart IoT Labs, the company that created it in February of last year. The sensors scattered throughout the stays are intended to gather all kinds of data: the temperature, the intensity of external light in the internal, water consumption, electricity consumption, the concentration of CO2 or any information which would allow the butler virtual take decisions based on the patterns of behavior and the environmental circumstances.

Workers of Smart IOT Labs, in the house they use in the laboratory. PACO BRIDGES THE COUNTRY

“What’s most important is that you do not have to be scheduled or have to listen to orders, but that he understands and knows what to require of the inhabitants without creating a rule”, explains José Murillo, director general of the company. “The current proposals are limited. Are only remote controls that respond to the mobile phone or the voice. The sensors are expensive and provide few data and with a frequency insufficient. The smart home does not exist. Is what we are creating,” adds Jesús González, responsible of the technical direction.

As an example, want the butler virtual know that it is weekend, you have gone to pass it on to another site and, through a message, you report that you’ve noticed and you have turned on the planned programme, with security systems and control of expenditure. Or it Ultrabet detects that one of the inhabitants may have suffered an accident or has been left a device turned on without using it. Or that you know what clothes contains the washing machine, what program should apply and when it is cheaper to turn it on. Or to recognise the input of a child to the home, and communicate by message, and be able to distinguish it from a stranger. “The artificial intelligence for these applications because it makes it possible. Four years ago did not exist, but you can already”, says the director of the company, which is working with Movistar Home.

Both share a value of their proposal: that the system is not a slave to the Internet and it is the user who decides what data can be transferred and to change what. Jesus Gonzalez set an example. “The coffee machine can detect how much coffee you had, how much you have used and if it is convenient to buy more. This data can serve for a given supply company or a supermarket, but it will be the client if you want that company to know, or if you give this data in exchange for discounts.” “Availability and privacy. Are key concepts of our model,” adds Jesus Murillo.

Sensors for lighting in evidence. PACO BRIDGES THE COUNTRY

Calculated to monitor the house and install the central brain of your system can be a cost of 250 euros for the basic actions of the butler. These can be extended by applications. Also are prepared to integrate your main module in the devices which are already traded communications companies.

In January, after the presentation in Las Vegas, you want to begin the monitoring of 50 homes and pass in a short time 2,000 for launch into the market.