The women each year have abortions in the united States. A sharp decline of 24% between 2006 and 2015 has been revealed this Wednesday by the Center for Disease Control (CDC). The 638.169 procedures performed in the last year for which data are available are the historic figure lowest registered since the decriminalization of abortion in the united STATES in 1973. “This is due, in large part, to the access to effective methods of contraception and low-cost,” says dr. Leana Wen, of Planned Parenthood, an NGO that provides reproductive health services. Ironically, the statistics come just weeks after the Government of Donald Trump’s cancellation of a law that would have required employers to include contraception in the health plan offered to their employees.

MORE INFORMATION Trump authorizes States to withdraw public funds to organizations that perform abortions God governs abortion in Iowa

When the u.s. Supreme Court legalized abortion, the figures shot up. In the eighties reached its climax, but since then have been going down progressively. In the downline there is only one interruption between 2006 and 2008, where she presented a mild increase. However, since then the statistics have gone down with greater speed and in all the groups; age, race, reproductive history, according to the study “Surveillance of abortion – united States, 2015”.

All groups by age and ethnic lowered their figures. The rate (number of abortions per 1,000 women) was 11.8 between 15 to 44 years. Matbet If they are divided by generation, the percentage of teens fell 54 per cent between 2006 and 2015. “This decrease in the rate of abortions is the largest made by any older group,” said the CDC in a press release. The twenty year old girls continue to lead the group which is most subjected to this procedure: six out of every 10 abortions are performed to them. By race or origin, non-hispanic white women and black women non-hispanic accounted for the largest percentage of all abortions (36.9% and 36.0%, respectively).

During the term of Barack Obama and the current funds for the public funding of institutions dedicated to reproductive rights have been depleted. In the first months of this Administration, Trump signed a legislation that allowed the united States to withdraw public funding to Planned Parenthood. In may of this year Iowa adopted the law on abortion more restrictive in the country (no woman could abort as soon as they detected a heartbeat in the fetus). The legislatures of Kansas and Oklahoma have pushed laws twin that still need to be approved or vetoed. But the cross-conservative has suffered a setback this week. After Mississippi enacted a ban on most abortions after 15 weeks, a judge rejected on Wednesday the law by considering that it violates the constitutional rights of women.

“In some of the States want to take away our rights and access to reproductive health care, including the restriction of what we know works: contraceptive methods. If we want to continue reducing the rate of unplanned pregnancies, we must make sure that all people have access to all contraceptive methods, along with accurate information and without prejudice, and sexual education.”, reflects dr. Wen.