The Prosecutor’s office of Madrid has asked the judge not to investigate the former minister of Health Carmen Lot in connection with her graduate degree at the University Rey Juan Carlos (URJC) after an anonymous complaint that led to his resignation last September. For the prosecution, the former minister contributed to the cause a series of emails that reveal that “was anxious to know what was the content of the different subjects studied, as well as an interest to overcome the subjects’.

MORE INFORMATION Lot resigns by the irregularities of his master despite the support of Sanchez In what looks like and is the difference between the master of Lots of Married and Cifuentes

The Public prosecutor’s office has submitted on Thursday a written non-binding to the holder of the magistrate Court number 51 of Madrid, Carmen Rodríguez Medel, in which you do not see indications of crime in the obtaining of the master’s degree in Interdisciplinary Studies of Gender that the former minister, he attended between 2010 and 2011, as reported by legal sources to the agency Efe.

The public prosecutor’s office considered in its request that the content of the emails provided by Lots it seems that it distinguished between “those students who came to class and those who, for whatever reason, had received the master’s degree without attending sessions that were held”. “There is No hint of non-academic activity or of a concert prior between the student and Laura Nuño, director of the master degree, nor is there evidence to sustain that the notes that were modified ex-post as they were under the prior agreement or by an order of the investigation”, says the text picked up by the Europa Press agency.

The initial complaint relates to the investigated plagiarized part of his master’s paper and included 19 pages with full paragraphs from various authors that are not cited in the bibliography. For the prosecutor, this issue is Casino Siteleri of no criminal relevance,” and considers that as a crime against intellectual property would also be prescribed. “All of this without prejudice to the right to the guardianship civil corresponding to the original author and the administrative liability that may be incurred by the student and the teaching staff as qualified, and approved the referred to work”, he adds.

The judge opened proceedings for alleged crimes of bribery improper and corrupt practices —the same as those by which it requested the Supreme investigate the president of the PP, Paul Married— after an anonymous complaint that came to court last September. Rodríguez Medel asked the university to refer to a whole series of documentation in relationship with the master of the former minister, as the identity of the director of the graduate degree and also the responsible of the Institute of Public Law in the course, a position he occupied at that moment, Enrique Álvarez Conde, the main accused of the case master.

Rodriguez Medel requested, in addition, the list of subjects of the graduate, the professors who taught in that course and of the students who participated in the master’s degree. The magistrate also asked for all the documentation that had the URJC on the academic qualification between 2010 and 2011, such as, for example, requests for validation or recognition of credits, certificates of qualification, proceedings of the defenses of master thesis, resolutions recognizing credits and, in your case, you emails relating to the academic activity of the master. It also asked for the rules of the URJC regulator of the master’s degree in that academic year and information on the working life of Lot.