The socialist Government of Pedro Sánchez has taken forward without major setbacks on Thursday in the Congress with two initiatives that are relevant, one that is validated by the royal decree amending the Law of the Tax on Patrimonial transfers and Documented Legal Acts, that affects the mortgage is the banker who pays in the future that tribute and not the customers as up to now; and another to start the procedure of a normal reform of the Law of Budgetary Stability and Financial Sustainability, that will eliminate the current veto power of the Senate to the public accounts. The two proposals have had the support of we Can and the nationalist basques and catalans, which is also supported in June, motion of no confidence in Rajoy, and despite the atmosphere tense in the Congress of the last few days.

MORE INFORMATION Sanchez will force banks to pay the mortgage tax and criticized the Supreme Court, The banks will not have to pay tax on mortgages that they give to the Church and the State

The plenary session of the Congress has ratified this Thursday with 205 votes in favor (PSOE, United we Can, Citizen, CKD, Compromís, PDeCAT, Forum Asturias and UPN, among others) and 137 abstentions (PP, PNV and EH Bildu) in the first place, the Royal Decree amending the Law of the Tax of Patrimonial Transmissions and Documented Legal Acts, approved by the Government this September 24. With a result even more damning, 338 deputies in favour and none against, has also determined that this draft law to be treated from now on by the way of urgency to discuss possible amendments.

The parties have been resolved so that in the future, when the law comes into force, will be banking the assume the cost of that tax and it does not load on clients that have signed for a mortgage. PP and Citizens have advanced that they will ask that this tribute be removed and we Can and ERC have claimed that the law has retroactive effect.

The parliamentary majority that endorsed in June the motion of censure of Pedro Sánchez against the executive popular Canlı Bahis of Mariano Rajoy has turned to be firm when you reject paths amendments to the whole recorded by the PP and Citizens against legal reform that pursue PSOE and we Can to eliminate the still existing veto power given to the Senate on the draft budgets. The amendments to the whole of the PP and Citizens have only reaped the support of their own groups (166 in favour and 173 votes against the first and 167 in favour and 172 against the second). The reform will now continue the regular procedure with the debate on amendments in the committee and may take months before its future approval in a plenary session.

The mep, socialist Susana Sumelzo has taken advantage of the result of that vote to reaffirm in his speech that this initiative is in relation to the budgetary pact signed by PSOE and podemos and with which it aims to achieve an increase of about 6,000 million euros in the public accounts for social spending. The other groups that joined in June to the censure motion, that is to say, ERC, PNV, PDeCAT, Compromís, Bildu, a Coalition Canaria and New Canaria, have also given their vote to this proposal, although requiring in some cases, such as the formations nationalist canary, who will present amendments relating to their interests in the proceedings in committee.

The amendments to the whole of PP and Citizens defeated trying to leave the Stability law and the veto of the Senate as it is now, and without the change looking to the Government so that in the event that the upper House vote this blockade can be overcome with another vote with a simple majority in the Congress. The behavior of the PP and Citizens what it has achieved is to delay and slow down the process of the reform, more than likely until next year, because the change approved at the Congress must be passed by the Senate, where the popular feature of an absolute majority.

The abstention of deputies of Esquerra Republicana (ERC) and EH Bildu has allowed this Thursday, the Plenary of the lower House failing for the second time to the minister of Justice for his leadership of that Department, and, in particular, have urged the State attorney to dismiss the crime of rebellion, the separatist leaders imprisoned.

The rebuke of the minister —that is in addition to the one that passed the Senate in September and another motion that the PP managed to pass in October in the Congress that called for the resignation or removal of Thin— has gone ahead with 167 votes in favour of PP, Citizens, UPN and Forum Asturias, and the eleven abstentions were decisive in this case of ERC and Bildu. The 162 votes against the PSOE, we Can, PDeCAT and Compromís have not been sufficient to prevent it.