the power of The cliché is inexhaustible, because the cliche never dies. Transforms. That is what makes Pilar Albarracín (Seville, 1968) with the stereotypes, turns them upside down to shoot with your own bullets on their own meanings. It is not a suicide, it is a reinvention. A celebration that has brought to the downtown streets of the capital to a hundred women, crowned by the mother of all the topics, the dress of seville. Have gone down the AVE from Seville and have walked, in procession, to the Tobacco, where the artist has opened I removed what you dance, a magnificent retrospective of their 25 years of work, organized by the Ministry of Culture. The stereotype squeezes but does not drown.

MORE INFORMATION “to Be an artist is also a trade, but not paid”

The group has entered and has been lying on the floor of the old labor center of the cigar. And there have been lying a quarter of an hour. The artist had tried before in the Picasso Museum of Barcelona, where they held each other for a couple of hours. Don’t sleep, they seem dead. There will be those who see in the performance a colourful carpet, a blanket flowery or a mass grave packed. The sensitivity also determines the power of Safirbet the cliché, not the reverse. In any case, the paseíllo of faralaes warning about the invisibility of women and the repression in its public activity, political and social.

The women of Albarracín are heroines that climb buildings with their classical dresses of flamenco canasteros, slim, generous neckline, half sleeves, big polka dots and voluminous ruffles of multiple layers and lace. Dressed in cliché claiming a space of our own for what they are, not for what they appear. Heroines without pedigree, claims without privileges. Their walkers are strokes living -that said Yves Klein – that break with what you are trying to reduce them. Are women who are committed and sovereign, walking on the streets, in a caravan lively and colorful in the midst of the storm.

The women of Albarracín first acted on the sidewalks of the Round in Valencia and then, in Tobacco, was transformed into a box living. The humor walked with sass and sarcasm, spectacular, smiles frozen. “In the skin of the other”, as it is entitled, the action, it is a huge box that can never be taken for settled office, because it will be repeated until you stop the inequality, the abuse, the harassment and demolition of the resist, oppressed up to the stereotype. And protected by Pilar Albarracín.