The member of The Herd, Angel Boza has been convicted for an offence of theft and other minor injuries by subtraction of a pair of sunglasses in a shopping center in Seville last August. The judge has ordered their immediate release, to be imprisoned for these acts.

this has been confirmed his lawyer, Augustine Martinez, who has received this Friday, in the judgment delivered by the Criminal Court 10 of Seville, which was processed last Monday at Angel Boza in a trial in which he acknowledged having committed “bullshit”, stated that he was “very sorry” and asked forgiveness. “Apologize to my family, that we are going very wrong, and to society,” he said.

The prosecution requested for Boza four years in prison for an offence of robbery with violence and intimidation and the payment of a fine of 300 euros for a crime of mild injury, as well as, in respect of civil liability, compensation of 232 euros to a caretaker who was injured. For his Betlike part, his defense sought to downgrade the charge to a crime of theft and imposed a fine as a sentence.

MORE INFORMATION A member of the Herd is facing four years in prison for stealing a pair of sunglasses to The judge processed for robbery with violence by a member of The Herd that lost a pair of sunglasses

Finally, the judge has considered the facts an offence of theft, although it also considers Stopper author of another offence of injuries. The judgment decrees in addition to the immediate release of the Stopper, which entered into provisional detention for these crimes barely a month after being freed on bail by the case of The Herd.

Boza spent two years in remand prison along with the four other members of The Herd after being sentenced to nine years in prison for the sexual abuse of a young woman in the Sanfermines 2016. They are waiting for the Superior Court of Justice of Navarre decides on the resources to the ruling of the Hearing of Navarre.