The 50 measures that make up the shock plan for youth employment which is being finalized by the Ministry of Labour cost € 2,000 million between 2019 and 2021. The first year the disbursement will be 665 million if it complies with the provisions; the second, 666 million; and the third, 668 million, as it appears in the section of the budget impact included in the eighteenth version of the draft to which has had access to this journal.

This will not be the last version, noted in the Ministry of Labour, where they warn that there is still work to add input on professional training. The same point several sources of bargaining with the trade unions and the entrepreneurs, who, as announced this week the, was let down at the last meeting held last Monday, two days before the arrival to the presidency of CEOE of Antonio Garamendi. The talks also involved the autonomous communities, which are the ones that will have to execute the plan to be those who have the authority of the active employment policies.

in order To do it, Work is not intended to increase the total money allocated for active employment policies and that transfers to the autonomous communities. What we do aim is to reorder the now spent. For example, to finance a key measure of the plan, the recruitment of 3,000 counselors work, will allow the regional governments to employ in structural expenditure of the money that they receive. Now the funds intended for guidance only may invest in temporary investments or programs with an expiration date.

“It’s about redirecting funds from the sectorial conference on employment,” the ministry said in a Job without giving further details or specifying what items of expenditure will make money at the expense of others. When in the ministry speak of “funds of the sectoral conference”, refer to the money that is distributed each year among communities that implemented employment policies (counselling, training, recruitment).

Other sources are not officers of the department who directs Magdalena Valerio point out that their intention is to set indicators within the annual plan of employment policies to direct expenditures toward the plan of the shock. This is not stated openly in the plan, but a chapter might come out a good part of the funds is 500 million per year that the former chief Executive had planned to spend on the add/youth aid proposed by Citizens for youth participants in the Youth Guarantee were hired in training. Neither the PSOE nor the autonomous communities, governed by the PP (the measure started from the formation of orange), showed never a great support to the initiative.

even Though the measure is hiring permanent than 3,000 counselors work, the bulk of the 2,000 million will 1xbet be spent in training: 1,138 million. This effort is in line with the objectives set in this point the plan: the participation of 100,000 young people without the title of Compulsory Secondary Education in training programmes to acquire “key skills in language and mathematics”. It also aims to 80,000 to learn languages, or that 170,000 have a basic digital training and other 56.000 acquire the top.

The next game more substantial, 616,5 million, is comprised of bonuses for the recruitment of young people and to aid their high as self-employed in the Social Security. The bonuses, as a general rule, consist of that is paid with public money quotes left out of pay by employers and/or self-employed to boost jobs and hiring. This last point will consume 375 million and is calculated taking into account the discounts on the quotes (flat fees) go on to be subsidized also. Sources of Employment, however, suggest that this money is not intended for the flat rate tariffs for self-employed current but for young women in the rural environment, as a mechanism to stimulate employment and fight against the depopulation.

According to the paragraph ninth, the planning and evaluation, a year and a half the entry into force, the Work intends to submit the plan to an evaluation. To do this, you will use “the semi-annual reports of follow-up, the standing commission shall draw up”. This organ, composed by representatives of the ministry and of the social agents, will meet every three months.

In principle, Work I wanted to approve the plan of shock in the Council of Ministers yesterday. Official sources indicate that the intention of the Executive is to approve before the end of this year and that is almost all ready. However, the last Wednesday had still to the embodiments of the contributions that you expect this department to close it definitively and, therefore, could not be dealt with in the meeting of undersecretaries and secretaries of State. Yes that would be discussed the following day —and received approval— in the delegate commission for economic affairs.

Aim: to reduce the unemployment among young to 23.5%

Among the objectives of which are fixed to the shock plan is to reduce to 23.5% youth unemployment. Spain during the crisis have stood out for their high unemployment among those 16 to 24 years. In the worst moment, it was over 60%. After more than four years of recovery, the rate has gone down a lot. According to the latest EPA, is in the 33%. But it is still the highest in Europe.

it Also seeks to increase the rate of activity between 20 and 29 years up to 73.5%, two points higher than it is now. “This increase is achieved by increasing, in at least one place the rate of men and, in at least three points of women”, it is proposed to the Working draft.