“we did Not want to be victims of ETA and now we don’t want to be victims of the peace”. The president of covite press, Consuelo Ordóñez, has warned today to all political parties that their struggle will continue as strong and independent as until now, with two aims, to avoid that the environment of the ETA imposes its story and to view the defeat of the gang “with the arrest until the last etarra and the clarification of all their crimes”. “We want that picture, and we demand the Government that photo of the end of ETA,” he said.

MORE INFORMATION Consuelo Ordóñez: “Today, yes we are working on the prison policy of the Government,” Urkullu support to victims of ETA and the GAL that “the institutions were not up to” Inside about an ETA prisoner and gives a furlough to a repentant

In an emotional ceremony in San Sebastian at the Miramar Palace, covite press has celebrated its 20 anniversary since that November 28, 1998 in which the victims of ETA began to organize to fight against the social isolation, the poor repair that the institutions offered to those who had lost family members in attacks of the band, and to fight together for the “restore the dignity”.

Three women -Consuelo Ordonez, Teresa Díaz Bada and Cristina Cuesta – created the association in full truce of ETA, and three have been taken this morning the word in a room of the palace with views of the sea to match that “We will continue resisting”. Among the audience was the judge exjuez of the criminal chamber of the National Audience, Javier Gomez Bermudez, the judge who was a link between Spain and France in the fight against ETA. Bermudez, who received the award offered by the association, has asked forgiveness “for not having been able to clarify all of the cases, and for not having been able to do our job properly”, in relation to the National court, which judged the crimes of the band.

in Addition to Bermúdez, attended the ceremony in a former chairperson of Jestbahis the PP basque country, María San Gil, the exconsejero of Culture of the basque Government, Joseba Arregi, and several journalists who have been “dumpster diving” in the recent history of the band and their crimes. Arregi has criticized with hardness to the basque society and the institutions that in their day they made the ears deaf of the victims. “You have many values, such as honesty, truth, which are missing in the basque society,” he said after asking them to remain independent of political parties. Next to them have also been excited Adrian Arteta, the son of Iñaki Arteta, representatives of Technical staff in the Deactivation of Explosives of the Guardia Civil, the journalist Marcos Garcia Rey, and the excoordinadora of the Office of Assistance to Victims of Terrorism of the National Audience, Carmen Alba.

One of the testimonies most exciting has been the Joaquin Echeverria, the father of Ignacio Echeverria, the young man who died in London at the hands of a jihadist when he tried to defend a victim with his skateboard. Between his tears since he has given his name, Joaquin recalled that his son “was good up to a degree that is not usual”. Your skateboard will be exhibited at the Memorial Centre for the Victims of Vitoria.

The statements of the attendees, among whom were many relatives of the victims, has given way to a video in which is remembered the toughest moments experienced by the association. For the co-founder of covite press, Teresa Day, Bada, the association does not have left another remedy that to be born in order not to leave abandoned to thousands of people who “were re-victimized” by a society that looked the other way, and by a Justice unable to repair the more we suffer unjustly”, he criticized.