Good words after months of criticisms, provocations and even insults towards Brussels. The Italian prime minister, Giuseppe Conte, and the president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker moved in this Saturday to continue negotiating to avoid that the Executive community open a proceeding to Italy that could lead to even sanctions. The solution is complex, as the Government of the coalition of the M5S and the League should do disclaimers on their Budgets. Even so, Conte said to the output of the dinner: “I am Confident that the dialogue can lead to avoid the procedure, I am always ambitious”.

Conte was accompanied to the dinner of his Finance minister, Giovanni Tria, while Juncker was flanked by vice-president Valdis Dombrovskis and commissioner for Economic Affairs Pierre Moscovici. The dinner, which took place at the headquarters of the Commission, it was produced after the community Executive pointed to the “serious” non-compliance which presented the accounts of Italian and to give the first step in putting Italy on the arm corrective to its high level of debt.

The decision to open the procedure is now in the hands of the member countries of the Onbahis euro zone. According to eu sources, the activation of the mechanism could be postponed to the meeting of Finance ministers (Ecofin) on 22 January instead of the 5th of December. Among other reasons, argue that this would have the expectation that Rome will approve their Budgets in the Courts. But in addition, it gives more room for negotiation between both parties. The final decision, that yes, is in the hands of the partners of the euro.

A spokeswoman for the Commission said that the working dinner is part of the “ongoing dialogue” between Brussels and Rome. “The work will continue in the coming days for bringing the respective points of view and seek a solution oriented towards the future”, he added. Also Conte turned down the tone that has been maintained by the Italian Government in the last few months, especially on the part of his / her deputies, Luigi di Maio and Matteo Salvini. Conte highlighted the “climate of mutual respect” between both parties, and the tone “constructive meeting”. “The dialogue will continue in the coming weeks,” coincided Conte.

Hours before his arrival, the prime minister claimed to reach Brussels willing to “modulate” their public accounts. Even so, the premier Italian denied that there will be changes of depth. “We have talked about modulation, but none will give up to the major reforms of this Government”, he said. The output of the dinner with the controls of the Commission, Conte refused to clarify if he had offered any concession to avoid the procedure.