When just missing twelve hours for the central Government and basque feel in the first meeting of the Mixed Commission of Transfers from 2011, the PNV is still pressing for a calendar to put dates to the rest of the competencies slopes of the Statute. “All are law, are in the Statute and belong to this society”, said the president of the Executive board of the PNV, Andoni Ortuzar. The controversy continues after the minister of the Interior Fernando Grande Marlaska ensure this past week in Vitoria that the prison was not on the agenda of the Government and the minister spokesman, Isabel Celaa calibrated after the Council of Ministers, Friday, to confirm that everything was on the table conversations.

MORE INFORMATION A large majority of basques want more self-government within the Statute PNV and EH Bildu agreed a consultation “enabling” of the Statute prior to going to the Courts, The PNV played with two decks The PNV continues to turn sovereignty to delve into agreements with EH Bildu

The central Government and the basque country are meeting this Monday in Bilbao, in the heart of the Mixed Commission of Transfers, to achieve the transfer of powers to the stretch of the AP-1 Armiñón (Alava) and the province of Burgos, and two railway lines biscay. The minister of Territorial Policy and Public Function, Meritxell Batet, and the director of Public Governance and Self-government, Josu Erkoreka, will lead the delegations of both administrations.

Ortuzar has participated this Sunday in Sukarrieta (Bizkaia), in the traditional annual event organized by the nationalist formation with the occasion of the anniversary of the death of the party founder, Sabino Arana. The appointment has counted with the presence of numerous charges and supporters of the PNV, among which was the lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu. “The important thing is to open a path so long illegal bahis blinded,” and that both Governments, the basque and central, “to adopt a specific timetable for negotiation to address the pending transfers”, he said. “For each and every one of them,” he added. The president of the executive board of the PNV has been ensured, by way of warning, that his match bet with solidity in the relationship with the current central Government, “which, hopefully, will be answered with the same strength”.

last Tuesday, day 20, both Governments closed an “agreement in principle” on the transfer to the Basque country to the powers on the stretch of the AP-1 between Armiñón and Burgos, and the rail lines alonsotegi, bizkaia-Barakaldo and Bilbao-Basauri. Since then, technical teams have been drafting documents with the details of the agreement to which this could be confirmed and materialized in the meeting of the Mixed Commission of Transfers in the morning.

The Government of Pedro Sanchez “held” the principle of agreement “after seven years of delays and paralysis” during the mandate of PP, and the Executive basque applauded also an agreement that “allows the unlocking of the negotiation” between both administrations in terms of the pending transfers to the Basque country. The Mixed Commission of Transfers is not convened from the year 2011. This will be the second occasion that is celebrated in the Basque country since October 28, 2010, during the Government of the Basque socialist chaired by Patxi López, the then minister of Territorial Policy, Manuel Chaves, and the minister of Interior, Rodolfo Ares, held in Vitoria the meeting of this body for the transfer of the labour legislation in the field of active employment policies.