The Government of Damascus has raised to 107 the balance of civilians with symptoms of suffocation in the hospitals of the northern city of Aleppo after the chemical attack launched against the city of Aleppo by the insurgents, as he has denounced the Executive. Among the wounded are several children. Aleppo is the second metropolis of syria. “A rain of mortars impacted in the neighborhoods of Jaldiye and Al Zahraa causing panic among the passers-by. The experts have concluded that it is chlorine gas, but up to now we have not regret any casualties,” he says in a phone conversation and from Aleppo Lama Keyali, spokesman of the Governorate.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has confirmed the number of affected of which as reported through its web page, thirty “is still in observation.” Two of the wounded are in critical condition, according to the part of the director general of the forensic medicine in Syria, Zaher Hajo, in statements collected by the news agency AP. Videos recorded at the doors of the hospital to The Shafi have not been slow in being disseminated in the social networks. In them he sees dozens of patients with severe breathing difficulties which come to the entrance of the emergency room.

“we Heard the rumblings about 11 in the morning. The mortars were coming in the direction of Idlib [region under the control of heterogeneous groups, insurgents, and bordering on its east side with the of Aleppo], accurate, Abu Haytham, name of war, this officer of the regular troops and syrian positions in the capital of the same name in Aleppo. In December 2016, the syrian regular Army along with militias, pro-iranian managed to regain control of the old city of Aleppo. Then several armed groups, were evacuated to the outskirts of the western.

chemical Attacks in Syria

N. S-Beirut

A joint team of the UN together with the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) concluded that the syrian Government used chlorine gas in at least two attacks and use nerve agents (sarin gas) in Grandbetting the attack against the population of Jan Sheijun that in April of 2017 left a hundred dead. He also blamed the worst chemical attack suffered in the country that took place in the outskirts of Damascus in 2013. According to the count of NGOS perished more than a thousand people. The OPCW has also accused Islamic State of using mustard gas on two occasions in 2015 and 2016, while the officers of the syrian regular Army has been denounced several attacks with chlorine gas from a position insurrectas.

Naji Mustafa, spokesman of the National Liberation Front (an opposition coalition), has denied through a press release, the accusations of Damascus, pointing to the Government “of being the only one with chemical weapons in their possession.” The leader of the National Coalition of Syrian Revolutionary Forces and Opposition, AbdelRahman Mustafa, has gone beyond the blame “to Russia to promote the lies of the regime”.

Has been to Moscow, a strong ally of president Bashar al-Assad, the first to confirm the use of “toxic gas” in the attack and subsequently announce retaliation against the “terrorists”. “The aircraft the russians have attacked several terrorist targets gifted with pitchers of missiles from where they have perpetrated the attacks on the civilians of Aleppo”, said the spokesman for the Russian Defense ministry, Igor Konashenkov. This is the first bombings that shake the province of Idlib in 75 days after the past month of September, Turkey and Russia agreed to establish a zone of demilitarisation in this area. The pact helped avert what the UN termed an “impending humanitarian catastrophe” in a territory inhabited by 2.5 million civilians, half displaced from other regions of the country.

The plan includes the disarmament of heavy weapons of the various groups of insurgents that endorse Turkey and whose troops are encrypted in 20,000 armed. Also provides for the expulsion of a zone-plug 20km width of the estimated 10.000 jihadists Hayat Tahrir al Sham, an umbrella of factions, islamists led by the local branch of Al Qaeda. This last, according to the experts, controls 60% of the region, has not commented on the attack.

The French president, Emmanuel Macron has condemned the attack on Saturday: “France condemns any use of chemical weapons and hopes that those who are detected to pass the relevant information to the international agency in The Hague to verify if it was used really the chemical weapons and ensuring that they identify those responsible.”