Guillermo Sanz, doctor of the hospital The Faith of Valencia, is the former minister Eduardo Zaplana has criticized this Sunday with a surprising hardness to the magistrates that remain in provisional detention since may, the former leader of the PP. The doctor described his criterion of “inhuman”. Zaplana is accused of a dozen crimes of corruption and the office of the prosecutor considers that there is a high risk that you will try to escape if you leave the jail, taking advantage of the good fortune that allegedly kept hidden abroad.

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“The doctors don’t understand Law and the judges do not understand of Medicine and less than leukemia or a transplant. However, all should understand of humanity. And what of Eduardo Zaplana is inhuman”, has written the doctor a message on Twitter.

Sanz, chief of the Hematology service of The Faith has also Restbet retuiteado a message from the multidisciplinary research group of hematology and oncology, Hospital Morales Meseguer of Murcia on the same issue, which states: “A patient after an allogeneic transplant can’t be kept in those conditions, regardless of their situation criminal. How to make medical consultations if you do not follow the recommendations of the optional?”.

The defense of Zaplana used this summer a clinical report of Sanz to request that you be released or will be under house arrest. The doctor noted that Zaplana had a “chance of a serious infection with risk to life in the next three months, close to 100%”, and warned that a delay of hours in a diagnosis and appropriate treatment could seriously compromise your life.”