Among the things that one expects to find when cleaning the house of his deceased mother are many old photos, shared memories, letters of the loves of youth, and even some secret. What no one expects is to discover that you had a brother and find his corpse mummified in the family home.

it Has happened in the town’s british Northallerton (Teesside) in the north-east of England, where three siblings, two men and a woman, they found the mummified body of a baby while cleaning the house of her mother, Carol Thompson, who died last January. The child, whose existence was unknown to both of them as the father, who is still alive, has turned out to be his older brother.

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According to The Independent, the discovery came in February, but the case will be heard this November 21 for a judicial inquiry. The body was in a small box about 45 inches long, the brothers were pulled from inside a closet located under the stairs of the house.

What they Gobahis found in the inside of the box were “human remains and mummified infant wrapped in a cloth,” according to detective sergeant Matthew Wilkinson. “No one had knowledge of a brother or of the existence of another child,” adds Wilkinson. The brothers took the case to the nearest police station, and a DNA analysis revealed that it was a biological child of Carol and Melvin Thompson, the parents of the three brothers.

The cause of the baby’s death is a mystery, as researchers have not been able to determine. On the other hand, have been able to clarify the fabric that wrapped the body was made between the late fifties and early sixties. Inside the box where they found the corpse had more tracks: cards with date of August 1968, the very year in which the thompsons were married.

The couple divorced in 1996, and the three children that were born after the wedding. The father, Melvin Thompson, has assured the police that I did not know of the existence of that child. Is more, has stated that he did not even have proof of pregnancy. The woman moved into the house, located on the street Dexta, in 2004.

The coroner, John Broadbridge, who considers this case as the “most distressing” of his 25-year career, it is not known if the child, who had completed their development in the womb, born already dead or died after birth. “We don’t know, despite all the esfueroz,” he says Broadbridge, who considers “tragic, completely tragic and terribly sad that your mother has had to keep a secret like that.”