Nancy Pelosi, who was for years the most powerful woman in Washington and wants to come back to that, it is a paradox andante. For the republicans, embodies the epitome of liberalism champagne californian. But he was born in Baltimore, is a practicing catholic and his first job was as a housewife and mother of five children. For the young activists who seek to reinvigorate their own party, did she just try to hide his disdain, Pelosi represents the establishment. But it takes three decades to challenge the elite patriarchal of american politics. Embodies the past, but the future of the country goes through its veterans hands.

MORE INFORMATION Trump warns the democrats of retaliation if driving investigations against The democrats regain the House of Representatives and weaken to Trump What Does this mean for Trump control democrat of the House of Representatives?

Pelosi is not liked by the americans. Only 29% of their fellow citizens have a good opinion about it. But few would dispute that you do your job well and, unlike other politicians unpopular, its 31 years of public service are clean of scandals. His bad image can be toxic for his party, but the millions invested in the campaign by the republicans, in specific ads for machacarla, failed to stop the blue wave that now she wants to surf.

on November 6, the democrats regained control of the House of Representatives. A new batch of congressmen, female, young and diverse, you have to face up to the president Trump and to prepare the ground for eviction of the White House in 2020. That is the goal. Everything else -the strategy, the timing, the tone, the person – is to decide.

Since the blue wave was just a slight ripple on the horizon, Pelosi takes maneuvering to regain the post of chairman of the lower Chamber which he occupied between 2007 and 2011. That would make it the third authority in the country and in the counterweight to a president who has been referred to as “a very dangerous man”. But what is on the same page as your party?

At 78 years old, this may be the last great political battle of Pelosi. But it is the first assault in the battle of democrats to prevent a second term of Trump in 2020.

Pelosi, who brings 16 years at the head of the parliamentary group of the democrat, is a tireless worker. An expert in the arithmetic of legislative, master in finding the least common denominator between the thwarts. But there are those who think that these virtues is of little use to an erratic president who has finished with the tradition of compromise between parties. In game is to decide what should be the role of the legislative branch as a counterbalance to the president. Or how to move to the carpet of the House of Representatives the resistance that the street expressed at the polls.

unlike most of the other large members of the history, Pelosi is a woman. As the majority of them, it is white, but has fought as few by the weight of ethnic minorities in the Camera. Is rich. Owns a mansion in a neighborhood of luxury San Francisco and even a few vineyards in the Napa valley. But it is more liberal than most of their current companions of the bench. Embodies the continuity. Belongs to the generation that many wanted to by buried with the defeat of Hillary Clinton. As she Liderbahis did, Pelosi is a candidate well prepared. But perhaps that is not enough in a political circus that has to Trump as master of ceremonies. Behold, the mimbres to the debate in a party together by their rejection of the president, but divided in much of the rest of it.

currently, the 16 lawmakers signed on Monday a letter to thank speaker Pelosi the services provided but they considered that it should give way to someone new. They argue that their continued presence at the top of the hierarchy democrat closes the passage to young leaders capable of renewing the structure. Their proverbial art in the management of the party testifies to the skill with which Pelosi has gone by neutralizing stealthily offensive.

on Tuesday, congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge, who was studying to be submitted as an alternative, gave their support to Pelosi. On Wednesday, another legislator, until then, overtly critical, Brian Higgins, did the same and withdrew his name from the list. The same day, the most influential figure of the democrats, president Barack Obama warned that he would not interfere in the internal affairs of the Camera, before expressing his support to “one of the legislative leaders more effective than this country has ever seen”. Until the young Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a sparkling star in the galaxy opposite of what Pelosi within the universe, a democrat, endorsed reluctantly. “I will support the candidate who is most progressive to lead the party, and right now that is Nancy Pelosi,” he said, aware that, as of today, the rebels don’t even have a candidate.

Even so, they may have the numbers to stop to Pelosi when the group parliamentary vote this week, or when the full House is to pronounce the 3 of January. That, if none of the republicans in congress follow the advice of Trump and vote for her. Because Pelosi, here’s another sample of your ability to build bridges, he has managed the feat of putting according to Obama and Trump. “I can get to Nancy Pelosi all of the votes that she wants to become speaker of the House. He deserves this victory, it has won, but there are some in his party who are trying to take it off. She will win”, tweeted the republican president.

you May think that your presence benefits the republicans, or may have influenced Trump the fact that Pelosi has made it clear that his priority is not to promote his impeachment. “There are those who want to pursue the impeachment or to abolish the federal agency of deportations, two topics winners for us, right? What in the districts in which we have to win?”, satirised Pelosi in an interview in The New York Times. “If the evidence of Mueller [the special prosecutor that investigates Trump for the plot Russian] is conclusive, should also be for the republicans, and that might be the moment of truth. But that is not where we are now.”

Now, according to Pelosi, it is time to leave behind the rhetoric and the dividing of the campaign and legislate. The idea is that, in spite of the predictable turbulence research of the Congress, both parties have reasons to work together: two years of blocking legislation, with a camera in the hands of each training, they can alienate the voters, moderate democrats have in the target of 2020. The trade agreement with Mexico and Canada, the cost of drugs or investment in infrastructurestructuras are some of the issues where a priori it could be an understanding between the two banks.

at The same time, the democrats should be careful not to provide to Trump political victories. And not to lose sight of the ultimate goal: to convert the trust expressed the 6 of November at the polls into a victory in 2020. Before, the identity of the party shall be defined as the process of choice of candidate. The decision on Pelosi will be a succulent appetizer.