The star project of the mexican president-elect, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, the Train Maya, a public work of 1,500 kilometers that will traverse the southeast of the country, will continue to move forward to achieve 89.9% of the votes, according to the known data this Monday.


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During a citizens ‘ consultation, organized and paid for by lawmakers of his party, López Obrador returned to give the reason to himself and emerges victorious by submitting to public consultation one of his major campaign proposals, called to revolutionize the Yucatan peninsula thanks to the tourism. More than 900,000 people participated in the consultation held at the margins of the institutions and without the presence of international observers.

Next to the Train Maya, the leader of the Movement of Regeneration Nacional (Morena), that is to take office on Saturday, underwent consultation for the construction of a new refinery, seven social programs and an initiative to revive the trade of the isthmus of Tehuantepec (Oaxaca).

As announced this Monday, the cost of the consultation was 2.400.000 pesos (the 116,000 dollars), according to the spokesman for Lopez Obrador, a price higher than 1.800.000 pesos announced Friday by Ramírez himself. A bias in the calculation of 600,000, although on this matter there were no explanations.

Until today it is unknown the detailed design or if there is a draft of the environmental impact of the Train Maya, a piece of infrastructure of 1,500 kilometers that López Obrador has promised to build without knocking down a single tree in an area of dense vegetation. The rail will have 12 stops that will connect the archaeological zone of Palenque (Chiapas) Cancún (Quintana Roo), stopping in five States. The cost of the project will be 150,000 million pesos (about 7,500 million dollars).

On the ballot with ten Sahabet questions, among which was included the train, there were others, such as: “do you agree with the medical care and medicines to low-income people”, which won the support of the 95,1% of the votes. Worse was the question: “do you agree to extend the coverage of free Internet in spaces and public buildings?” that won 91.6% of the votes.

In the query, that lasted throughout the weekend, we also asked about awarding grants to students of middle level education, or pressing a million people with a disability, who obtained similar support. In charge of the vote count was the Foundation Rosenblueth, the same that was in charge of organising the exercise that buried the airport Peña Nieto, worth 13,500 million dollars, with the vote of 748.000 people, the 1% of the roll call from the register.

The future Government of López Obrador (2018-2024) defended the importance of the survey for the trust that the population has placed on the president and his team. “The expectations on the change are very high,” said Jesus Ramirez. The spokesperson of the president-elect in efforts to detail the reliability of the consultation which, he said, “reach 100%”, with the “locks” incorporated.

The controversy queries, López Obrador put in place to autoaprobarse campaign promises, are part of the new model of participatory democracy (the ballot box) in front of the representative (the institutions) that the leader of the left has promised to move “the people,” once you get to the power. Until now, the deputies have funded the consultations, but ensure that it will be the last held in the margins of the electoral body.