During the strike, a feminist of the past march 8, thousands of women of Bilbao sang in unison a song so dreadful that it became one of the symbols of the historic day. It was a version of the strike, whose chorus says: “To strike 10, strike 100, strike, mother, I’m going also. To strike 100, strike of 1,000, I by them, the mother, and them for me.” The video went around the world. Attributed by many to the popular songbook, was written by Chicho Sanchez Ferlosio in 1963 for the album clandestine Songs of the Spanish resistance, which had been recorded in August of that same year in the bathroom of his house, in calle Guadalquivir, from Madrid. The rescue in a facsimile edition of the album, 10-inch, a project of the Joan F. Losilla for Madmua Records, a label specialized in retrieve jewels lost of the Spanish music of the sixties and seventies, and the documentary film of David Trueba If I delete it the wind that I cantorecogen this exciting episode in the life of a composer libérrimo.

with a voice as brash as melancholy, Chicho Sánchez Ferlosio (Madrid, 1940-2003) fled in life of any form of success but it has gotten more difficult, as he explains in the film the singer Sílvia Pérez Cruz; that his songs confused with the ancient songbook of all.

Behind the adventure of Songs of the Spanish resistance were two Swedish students (Skold Peter Matthis and Sven Goran Dahl) of the association procomunista Clarté, who had come to Spain in a van from Stockholm to record at the Sánchez Ferlosio with a tape recorder Tandberg that I had left the marriage of translators exiled spaniards Francisco Uriz and Marina Towers.

“back home, and after being persecuted by the secret police Spanish, they released the album with the iconic cover of the roosters that made the painter Pepe Ortega ex profeso on a trip to Stockholm,” recalls Joan F. Losilla. For security reasons, she signed the album an Anonymous Spanish of the TWENTIETH Century. What nobody could predict was that those songs, among them the iconic The two gallos (Gallo rojo, gallo negro) or the one dedicated to the communist leader Julián Grimau, executed by the franco regime, became anthems of the young leftists nordic. The lack of authorship, it spread the belief that the chants had been composed during the war, ignoring the fact that its author was, to make matters worse, José Antonio Julio Onésimo Chicho Sánchez Ferlosio, brother of the writer Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio and youngest son of the author Rafael Sanchez Mazas, founder of the Falange and responsible of an important part of the hymn Face to the sun, who, by the way, his children worshiped him.

original Cover of the disc. THE COUNTRY

With a print run of 1,000 copies, of which have already been sold 500, it is the first time that the vinyl, a Oleybet rarity record, is published in Spain. In addition, it accompanies a 7-inch with four popular songs of the Civil War, the Spanish Chicho recorded for the swedes but that were never published. The documentary it will take more time to see the light. Is scheduled to premiere in march, coinciding with the release of a biographical book prepared by the editorial logroñesa Fulgencio Pimentel, which will include the re-release of the film, While the body endurance, a fascinating portrait of the musician, released in 1982 by Fernando Trueba and that showed their life on the island of Mallorca.

The recovery a year ago is considered to be the best album of Sánchez Ferlosio, mishap, published in 1978, and the new life of red Rooster, black rooster, Perez Cruz introduced on your hard Granada and used to sing on stages all over the world, adds up to a rescue that has something of an unlikely. Nonconformist, unorthodox, lover of games of numbers and lexicons, also of marijuana and in general of the knowledge unproductive, Chicho is, as explained by David Trueba, “the nightmare of the archivists”. A personality is elusive (“escapes from the seams of musical history in Spanish”) that is somehow responsible for his force, “generation after generation, discovered each time as if it were new, fresh, exciting,” adds the filmmaker.

Fake cover produced to introduce the album in Spain. THE COUNTRY

Among documents of time and sequences of films like The executioner, That voice is a mine, or Nine letters to Berta, some of the people close to the musician withering away in the history of your disk Swedish. Emilio Quintana Partner, lecturer of the Cervantes Institute in Stockholm who conducted the research on the origins of the album, his nephew Max Meadow, which writes the text My childhood are memories of a courtyard of Coria, where he sang Chicho.

Next to them, to appear before the camera to his good friend the poet and editor Jesús Munárriz, which released in 2008 on Hyperion an anthology of songs, poems and texts. “We met at the faculty of Philosophy, we were in the same course,” recalls Munárriz in telephone conversation. “He was always a cool guy, unclassifiable. I was a rebel, but very fine at the time of taking decisions, very own, very free. The same thing was pulled two years studying a game that spent months reviewing a Bible I had found in Coria. Now retired from Bilbao or feminists have adapted their songs, and without a doubt that she would have liked. At the end, this was what was intended, that the people endorsed his compositions”.

Another of the protagonists of ” If I delete the wind which I sing is the wife of a musician between 1960 and 1974, Ana Guardione, that retrieves the memory of the day that were locked in the one bathroom of the house up the street Guadalquivir river with two swedes, a tape recorder and a guitar to sing against Franco and not be discovered by their neighbors. At 80 years old, Guardione grant smiling at the camera Trueba happiness discovered 55 years after the details of this magnificent adventure.

15,000 euros to pay for the rights of the TVE

the makers of the film, which yesterday offered a snack at the fundación Telefónica in Madrid, have opened a campaign in Verkami to be able to finish off their funding. Aim to raise € 15,000 (the input will be to change the vinyl and the DVD), destined to cover the soaring costs of the use of images from the archive of the Spanish national Television, the National Television of sweden and from various films.

“every minute of Every file on Spanish Television, a state body owns a good part of our visual heritage, it costs between 2,500 and 2,700 euros, whether it’s for a Hollywood blockbuster or for a modest documentary”, explains the filmmaker on an anomaly that affects many small productions that can’t get ahead due to the high cost of this material)public.