Certain winds of protectionism of the West hinder, but not prevent, the advance of free trade in Asia. Two major agreements, one is about to enter into force and another in the middle of the negotiations, show the resolution of the continent to continue the integration without the guardianship of the united STATES, out of the process. A scenario that has left margin to China to strengthen its role as a regional leader and defend your questionable story: that of being presented as the new champion of multilateralism.

The 30th of December shall enter into force the Treaty Integral and Progressive trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP, better known as TPP11) after fulfilled the requirement that it be ratified in more than half of the signatory countries. The agreement re-emerged —after a sound display of the united States to the original text— thanks to the momentum shown by the remaining countries, especially Japan, to get on with it. Their liberalizing effects will be minor to be outside the world’s largest economy, but its application will, under conservative assumptions, to increase the income of the member countries in 0.87% of average by the year 2030, according to the World Bank. These calculations believe that Vietnam will be the most benefited by the agreement (2.8%) and Mexico the least would win (0,13%) by this reduction in tariffs and investment framework common.

Beijing has used to present himself as a champion of multilateralism

beyond the purely commercial, the decision of Donald Trump to withdraw from this agreement has damaged the credibility of the USA to its asian allies and China has taken the opportunity to project itself as the new big advocate of free trade. “Do you realize the people in Washington that the current policy is contrary to the fundamental interest of Asia? When the US decided to withdraw from the TPP, was a major coup for the region”, pointed Tommy Koh, exembajador of Singapore to the United Nations, during a forum in November on the city-State’s asian in the margins of the summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

In fact, the other megatratado in question is the Economic Partnership Comprehensive Regional (RCEP, in its acronym in English), which was hosted by Beijing in 2013. Comprising the ten ASEAN countries plus China, Japan, Australia, India, South Korea and New Zealand, his signature would change the rules of the game for its participants, making it the largest free trade agreement signed to date in terms of population and percentage of the world economy.

even Though the negotiations are slow —the initial goal was to summit in 2015, and the recent summit of the ASEAN disappointed because an advance agreement is not reached—, it seems that there are sufficient grounds for trust to come forward next year, as have been proposed by its members. For one fundamental reason: the trade war has increased the eagerness of the search Hermesbet for alternatives (as in this case the RCEP) that will lessen their consequences. “China remains very positive towards the RCEP. And now India and Japan also. I think we are in agreement that what the US does, and this creates uncertainty, and that makes them see better the RCEP, which facilitates the negotiations,” said Ding Yifan, a researcher at the Center for Development Research of the State Council of china.

But there are still many details to negotiate. Until now, its members have only reached an agreement on five of the eighteen chapters of the treaty. The main disagreements revolve around how much you’re willing country to country to lower their rates and what industries will be out of the treaty to protect certain sectors. The access to the agricultural market, for example, is a sensitive issue for India, Australia or New Zealand. India, in turn, calls for more freedom of movement for its workers, something that some economies of ASEAN do not seem disposed to grant, as points Kaewkamol Pitakdumrongkit, of the School of International Studies Rajaratnam (RSIS) of Singapore.

The continent feels abandoned by Washington since the triumph of Trump

however, the rewards would outweigh the possible losses; it is an agreement which would cover 50% of the world’s population and whose benefits would be almost double that generated by the TPP11, according to figures from the RSIS. It is signed, China would win an important match. First, to see facilitated access of their products to markets with great potential such as the indian or the japanese; second, to see the clear part of the doubts that rife about his commitment to free trade. Even if this does not convince everyone; from some asian countries also observed the movements of Beijing as an attempt to overwrite your whim, the rules that dictate the multilateral system. “China is desperate to change the narrative around their business practices and investment. And that is finally leading to some concrete action”, exposed from the consultant Trivium.

the U.S., in contrast, loses positions. Representing Trump in the recent summit of ASEAN in Singapore, and the APEC Papua New Guinea, the vice-chairman Mike Pence shielded himself in some figures to defend the permanence of the united STATES in the continent: among them, the direct investment in the region is around us $ 1.4 billion. Washington also announced in July a package of 113 million for expenditure on infrastructure in the area, as an alternative to the New Silk road of Beijing. But the plans of the US does not live up to expectations. Their commercial offers to China or the recent sit-Trump to two summits of asian are viewed with suspicion by a region that feels neglected since he arrived in the White House. “Get out of the TPP11 is seen by the business community as one of the biggest mistakes committed by an american administration. And we have not even begun to see the consequences,” says Michael Michalak, vice-president of the business council the US-ASEAN.

Main variables

CPTPP . The Treaty Integral and Progressive trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), affects 11 countries (Canada, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and Vietnam) that have a weight of 13.4% in the global GDP and a combined population of 495millones of people. It is signed and ratified by seven countries and is pending to enter into force on the 30th of December.

RCEP. Economic Partnership Comprehensive Regional (RCEP) includes 16 countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, Brunei, Singapore, Philippines, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, China, South Korea and India). It is still in negotiation and is expected to be signed in 2019.