The seville Victoria Lerdo de Tejada has arrived this Sunday morning at their polling station, installed in the City of Seville, without yet knowing which party to vote for. “But, who are we going to vote?”, asked his companion while climbing the stairs of the entrance of the building. “Andalusia is in the doldrums, in need of a change,” says Lerdo de Tejada having deposited the ballot in the ballot box. “I have listened to their advice, and I have opted for the vote useful. I haven’t changed my game,” he admits. Joseph F. Sequera has also opted to return to trust in the same party: “I have thought about It until the last moment because, as of today, I feel that no political party represents me. I’ve had an intense internal conflict. I got to ask to cast a blank ballot, but I think that was not the solution.” Both stories put a face to the 25% of andalusian undecided with the one that started a campaign that is living a election day is quiet and practically without incidents, except for the delay of up to two hours in the colleges of Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cádiz) by the lack of ballots of Equo.


Seville/02-12-2018: A man exercises his right to vote. PHOTOGRAPH: PACO PUENTES/THE COUNTRY PACO BRIDGES THE COUNTRY’s Elections in andalusia 2018: the election day of Andalusia in direct The differences between the andalusian provinces

Lerdo de Tejada and Sequera are not the only ones that have been in a hurry to decide the color of your ballot. Felix Morales also has been doubted “very much”, but it has become to trust in you always. “I’m a scaredy-cat”, he says between laughter. “I decided during the campaign,” acknowledges Jesus ‘ Career, who will not vote their usual party. Also has hesitated the cadiz Mary Ruiz, who has been lauded by Citizens. “I do not have anything clear, but I wanted to change. Was between Citizens and the PP without me grace none of the two, but what we’re going to do,” he pointed out Ruiz. “I have had doubts as to who to vote for until the last moment. Finally, I have done it in white, no party, convinces me,” says Jesus to Simon. “I have not followed the campaign, but I checked Online the electoral programmes, and there I made my decision,” acknowledges Luis Baquera as he returns for the different polling stations at the colegio San Estanislao de Kosko Malaga without finding yours. His 18 years, it was the first time that he cast his vote. “Do you notice that I am a newbie at this”, he said when already, at last, an auditor told the right place for you to deposit your ballot.

Other in andalusia, such as seville, Carlos Perez and his wife Amparo Diaz, had a very clear vote from a long time ago. “We expect very little from politicians. They will do what they darn well please. Limanbet But what we had decided,” they assure us. “I’ve spent my whole life voting for the same party, I’m already tired. We need a change,” says Ramon Left. Also the malagueñas Amaya Cazorla and Amaya Segalerva, mother and daughter, were clear that they would vote “for change”. “Andalusia can’t follow the most time with so much corruption,” said the youngest, who was thinking of voting to Citizens, while his mother remained “faithful to the Popular Party”. “That end with the thieves and with the debauchery. We need another Andalusia”, asked Faith Escobar, faithful to his party.

The elections, whose participation at 14.00 is 29.9%, four points less than in 2015, progress as normal and quiet after the delay in the schools of Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cádiz) by the lack of ballots of Equo. Past 9.30 am, a neighbor of Sanlúcar who wanted to vote this party realized that they were missing ballots. Minutes later, the delegation of the Government of the Board at Cadiz, he discovered that it was not something isolated: the problem was repeated in the 81 polling stations of the city. Voting in the city of cadiz was interrupted until 11: 00 and that will be that schools are open until 21.15. In the center of the vote of the colony’s rural Algaida de Sanlúcar, the delay is extended until 22.10, given the delay in receiving the ballots. “There are many elderly people who have gone to the first time to vote, have not been able to do it and have been saying that they will not vote,” he lamented José María Ruiz, representative of Citizens in the Municipal Library of the city.

in Addition to this incident, in Sanlúcar, also has delayed the start of voting due to the absence of members of several tables that had to be replaced. This situation has been lived in the college Guadalquivir river, to which Jesus and his wife came to the first time to vote and in which the man has finished become the president for an unexpected electoral board. “I’ve done it for money and because we didn’t have another plan. I think that must have been a notification error because I have not received the notice of where to vote”, explained the sanluqueño. Your hand, Mary of the Rose is rendered in “president by accident”, despite the fact that their role in these elections was to be representative of the PP. “Everything for the fatherland”, joked the voluntary.

In the rest of the schools, the quiet has been the tonic and dominant. So, for example, José Antonio Mulero, president of one of the tables of the La Salle college of El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz). His biggest problem is that it returns to be seated at a table for the second time since six years ago. To which we must add the other six times you have been called as a substitute. “I hope that in 2019, don’t touch me,” he acknowledged before the one-year adventure especially intense in the electoral. Most upset was a neighbor of Cadiz who has gone to complain to the college open in the Pavilion Cadiz City because a family member died 15 years ago was still appearing on the voters list, despite having been notified on various occasions of its low register.

The tranquility of the day is accompanied by the good temperatures.“We need only be able to draw the table out into the street to enjoy the solecito”, they said almost in chorus the people responsible for the polling station located in the colegio SAFA-ICET, in first line of beach in the neighborhood of malaga of The Stick. The temperature exceeded 20 degrees at noon and from the room of voting saw walk to dozens of families way to the beach bars of the area. “We bring a little bit of paella”, they added, laughing. Who also had been left without rice are members of the peña El Palustre, all Sundays celebrate popular meals to dilate after the afternoon with a session of bingo. This time the balls with the numbers were replaced by ballots.