The agenda of Caesar Noval Font does not have a gap. From Monday to Thursday, this surgeon of valencia for 30 years, operates his private clinic. Friday morning consults. And when the weekend arrives, it changes the gown for the boots and the knife for the pennant, and becomes linier First Division. Noval was moving comfortably at a certain anonymity until a few days ago rose to fame by carrying out an operation of sex reassignment that lasted 17 hours. It was then when you came to light up his double life of doctor and assistant. A few days after his success in the operating room was running through the band’s stadium, Ipurua trying to know if the players of Eibar and Real Madrid fell out of the game.

Noval, after the successful operation of sex reassignment in Valencia. EFE

Something binds his two jobs, according to Noval: “The feeling addictive. The when I just a game and I think that has gone well, what I have to review… The sport is addictive and so is the arbitration. And the same feel in operation. When just the season I have many looking forward to the matches and operate.”

arbitration is snuck in the life of Caesar Noval when I was 16 years old. “I played soccer and was not very good. When I decided to study Medicine, I needed a lot of time and to continue linked to the sport, the possibility arose to become a referee. It was a good option to earn some money for the weekend”. The sting of the arbitration grew and as it has not been abandoned. Noval is specialized in being a wizard when it came to Third Division and now meets his third season in the First while her other Ngsbahis professional career has also reached to the top. He studied in the united States, where he operated in Beverly Hills and participated in a reality show about operations of aesthetic, is a Graduate in Medicine and Surgery with special Award, and a plastic surgeon via the Ministry of Health, and has his own clinic. As linier, has umpired at the Bernabeu, the Camp Nou and Wanda Metropolitan, for example.

“to Operate and arbitrate are similar in that you have to decide fast, and we live in the moment”, explains Noval; “there is nothing that you have 100 patients satisfied if the 101 is not. Or that in a game are wrong in 15 offsides if you fail in the other that ends in a goal.” And what is more difficult, where is there more tension? “Operand, because the difficulty comes with the responsibility. One thing is a sport and the other the health of a person. The importance of the surgery is infinitely greater. In the operating room, there is much more tension in the band. Operating you can have a moment of cold sweat real. In the field feel pressure, but you don’t know right away that failure. Yes it is true that in the operating room there is more time to decide. Arbitrate are seconds”.

The players First as they know the linier most famous. Until some of them like Sergio Ramos has done him any questions about surgery. Noval enjoy with such a busy life that takes her from the operating room to run in the best stadiums. “What I like most is live football from the pitch, from within. That is beautiful. I am very motivated to try to hit as much as possible, knowing that you’re going to fail,” he says. For now, he combines his two passions. “If I had to choose… I’d make it a little less of the two and follow the same. In fact, they already do. There are months that I operate less because I have more parties”.

Noval usually get up at seven, it trains an hour, operates in the morning, see patients in the afternoon and night discusses his matches and prepares the reports of the committee of arbitrators. “So visibilizamos that the arbitrators are people and that we are the arbitrators by conviction. But on the other hand I liked a lot to separate the two fields. I am very sorry that the medical information has been dissipated by the impact of soccer”. Has been the small price of fame this surgeon linier.