fiction ecuador seeks buyers for movies Ashes and The bad time Window to the South, the market of audiovisual content is most important in the region, which has its base in Argentina. The films of Juan Sebastián Jácome, and Gabriela Calvache are part of the 150 films in Latin america and europe that will be screened at this event organized by the National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts of the country southern and the Marché du Film of the Cannes film Festival. “The intention is to submit the film to various international buyers to find new commercial spaces. Ventana Sur is a space of sales and business, it is a territory for producers, agents and distributors”, says Jacome.

Ecuador return to this market after a hiatus of two years. The Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Creation (ICCA) accompanies a group of 30 filmmakers to ecuadorians (18 of them are traveling with the financial support of the entity). “Any movie or film project, you have a great chance of finding partners in this space. In addition to the institutions of cinema of other countries, they are present all the content distributors in the world, producers and sales agents,” says Mauricio Cadena, director of outreach of the ICCA.

This institution, formerly called the National Film Board, suffered a cut in 2016 and then a transformation. In its new stage has launched a policy of support for local filmmakers to reach the spaces international where to close the business as a Window to South. “We want to accompany them to take a sale or a possible co-production,” says Chain.

Andrés Garate. File particular

For many this is their first time in this content market. This is the case of José Espinoza, director of the pueblo kichwa before moving through the world as a merchant of handicrafts. “I had in my suitcase was carrying goods to sell, ten years later I go to a market, but to a different one and now I have my first film” says the director of the documentary about the indigenous identity huahua.

Andres Garate, in contrast, takes in his luggage the idea of making Fenomenbet the cinematographic adaptation of the novel Ride to the Nightlife of the ecuadorian writer Eliécer Cárdenas. “The film is in the genre thriller and we would like to generate contacts in a matter of co-productions and take it to a new window of entertainment,” explains the young filmmaker.

Valeria Suarez. File particular

The exhibition at Ventana Sur is useful, especially, for small production houses, which have been premiered locally, and with limitations any film, and looking for support for a second project. “Being there allows us to reach more funding sources, it is important because the film moves more than anything else by the co-production”, says Valeria Suarez Rovello, Gallera Productions, which premiered this year, the documentary of a boxer of ward, and bring to market the idea of making a documentary with the community afro-ecuadorian.

For the producer, María de los Ángeles Palacios, who goes to Ventana Sur every year, to be present in the market is positive and helps to weave networks, although there are no tangible rewards for the ideas that they carry. “You know how it is produced in other places and you can be a partner to projects of other people,” he says.

Still it is not common exercise to occur in reverse, that is to say, not many seek to rely on the producers of ecuador to bring forward a film project. Chain, however, says that is already on the table the possibility of delivering funds to the co-production minority. “The film Commission, which is in the Ministry of Tourism, has the job of selling our country as a destination optimal for film-making, and the topic of discounts or tax incentives is now on the working table, there are several initiatives that are beginning to roll”.