US President Donald Trump has announced the departure of chief of staff of the White house, John Kelly,. Kelly will give up the Post at the end of the year, said Trump on Saturday to journalists in Washington. A successor, he will give in to the “one or two days”.

In the run-up, it was announced that Kelly should be on the verge of his resignation. The had reported the news channel “CNN” and the news website “Axios”. Trump and Kelly’s relationship had reached a low point. The two hadn’t spoken in the last days with each other, it is called from close to the government circles. As a possible replacement for Kelly, Nick Ayers is traded, working previously as a chief of staff to Vice-President Mike Vdcasino Pence.

“At some point” will Kelly want to “move on”

Trump felt according to the Reports from the former four-star General, Kelly, bullied, because of this acted as a kind of Watchdog in the White house. As Kelly had explained to the President, for example, that he could not make phone calls with his unsecured private cell phone. In addition, Kelly was a moderate to Trumps opinion.

in mid-November had told Trump that there are “some things” to Kelly, which may he, and others he may not. Kelly doing “in many ways, an excellent Job”, “at some point” will Kelly want to “move on”.

Kelly had taken the Job in the White house in the summer of 2017. Trumps state initial admiration for the Four-star General and former Secretary of Homeland security to cool and then apparently quickly. (mch/afp)

Created: 08.12.2018, 19:28 PM