The Stiftung Warentest has tested products for children: 28 percent. This value is significantly higher than the average for all products. “Terrifying”, announced consumer Minister, Barley is the result. the

children’s car seats, wheels, or Crayons: Every fourth product for children is according to Stiftung Warentest uncertain. Of about 278 products examined 79 “serious safety deficiencies”, such as the Foundation in Berlin, told. The product testers in the balance sheet 15 studies of children’s products from this and last year. Children’s products fared in terms of safety, significantly worse than for other consumer goods, said the Foundation’s Chairman, Hubertus Primus. “They pose the danger of Accidents, pollutant-loaded or failure in data security.”

The product testers were able to prove according to its own information of irritating and carcinogenic pollutants in each of the fifth product. This includes pens, game mucus or wheels were Stained. Some of the products exceed, therefore, the permissible limits and should not be sold. Other products are, according to the Foundation, uncertain and mountains and accident risks, including high chairs, or mattresses. Digital products are in the review: Three smart toys have an unsecured connection to the phone. Children could be so easily spied on.


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a Total of more than a quarter (28 percent) fell in all of the Stiftung Warentest examined children’s products. This value is significantly above the average of the organization’s products tested. Only seven percent fall in the average. A particularly alarming result has been with children’s high chairs. The testers were every second of the 20 products tested by fall.

the Federal Minister for consumer protection, Katarina Barley (SPD), called the results frightening. It was a particularly sensitive area. Critically, the Minister sees the possibility of children about toys spy and to move in a certain way. At this point, the toy would become a “gateway to a worrying development”.

Stiftung Warentest asked the manufacturer to improve the quality of products and control on a regular basis. Also, the market surveillance authorities should check the quality better. Ultimately, the consumer is required, Goods for children, targeted to choose to pay attention to a seal of quality and “not to buy every scrap,” said Foundation Board of Directors Primus. If a product can smell strange, not a good sign.