Due to the announced strike, and trains would be cancelled, says a spokeswoman for the railway company. The web has actually already enough problems: her long-distance trains are late more often, most of the trains have Broken. the
The railway and transport Union (EVG) has cancelled on Saturday, the collective bargaining negotiations with the railway. They announced warning Strikes. The railway would not only have submitted offers, “which corresponded to the demands of our members,” said a spokeswoman for the EDC. Travelers should expect to pay at the beginning of the next week, “significant cancellations”. The train negotiated with the ECG and the train drivers Union at the same time. The interviews with the train drivers Union will be continued on Tuesday.
Both trade unions are demanding 7.5% Betcup more money for around 160 000 railway Employees. The train offers its employees, 6.7 percent more, she says. Also, you can choose to fulfill the demand of the trade unions, a choice model in which Employees between wage increase and shorter working hours and longer holidays.
The tariff calls for the railway to run for two months. The negotiating partners had previously reported progress in negotiations to rent subsidies for apprentices and the semi-retirement to enable older rail workers to reduce their hours a week in front of the pension.
The broken collective bargaining in the run-up to Christmas in a time in which the train has already grappling with many problems. She has made, actually, that their long-distance trains are pĆ¼nklicher, in fact, this will always be unpĆ¼nklicher. Only every fifth train is fully functional, has no Defects. On Thursday, the Federal court ruled: The train is out of control.