Scientists and activists want to test the impact of penalties such as reduced payments to recipients of Hartz IV. The project’s 500 subjects were asked to participate, 250 of them to get the penalties be refunded. From now on, Volunteers are sought. the Lea Hampel Lea Hampel

Lea Hampel, Born in 1984, is in-the-money-Team, primarily responsible for issues around finances, in the human to each other. Curious to new ideas in the economic and social policy of the solidarity-based agriculture to an unconditional basic income, as well as stories from the Middle East. Master’s degree in economic and social history, and intercultural communication, trained at the German school of journalism. Work stations in Berlin, Paris and Jerusalem. Otherwise, on the Web at and on

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The Berlin-based Association “sanction-free” consequences of a Federal plant-wide study to examine how a life without sanctions, the impact on people who receive social security benefits. The club as Betnano of Thursday, is looking for 500 people who receive Hartz IV benefits, or may be soon.

the Berlin, what are the consequences for health, working life and social relations, when people don’t have to expect to have, for example, for a non-tretenes interview financial losses.

250 people to get penalties reimbursed

interested parties can log on to an Online platform, the participants will be decided by lot. For the study, from February 2019 to February 2022 to fill out on a quarterly basis an anonymous questionnaire. The answers will evaluate a Team of business psychologists Rainer Wieland from the Institute for operations research and organizational psychology at the University of Wuppertal. While they attend to 250 of the 500 Hartz-IV-receiver have the guarantee that you will get penalties that differ from the Hartz IV rule set, will be reimbursed.

The second half of the participants will not receive compensation and more of the sanctions will be affected, so that the effects can be compared. The money for the experiment comes from individuals, foundations and companies. The Association wants to make “the discussion about sanctions on a scientific Foundation”. The Association is opposed to the reduction of the Hartz IV payments and helps to be Concerned, for example, legally.