Projections show that global greenhouse gas emissions has increased in the past year. An international group of researchers predicts an increase in emissions of between 1.8 and 3.7 percent. The concentration of CO2 is now more than 45 per cent higher than in pre-industrial times. Since then, the average temperature has risen by about one degree. the

The emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) has increased this year, according to a study, significantly and is expected to reach a new record value. Mainly because more Oil and Gas would be burned, be increased emissions in 2018, according to a projection by more than two percent, warns the research group “Global Carbon Project”.

as early as 2017, the emissions had increased by 1.6 per cent, after three years almost on same, albeit high level, had remains. At the time, scientists were hoping for a reversal of the trend.

“The increase in emissions in 2017 could be seen as outliers, but in 2018, the increase is even stronger and it is not clear that the world does not have, on the objectives of the Paris agreement of 2015 membership,” said Glen Peters from the center for International climate and environmental research in Oslo.

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What do you expect from the UN climate conference?

In the Polish city of Katowice to discuss the heads of government on climate protection. National plans were adopted in the Paris agreement of 2015, will be binding. However, many States want to know from the climate change, nothing more.

environmentalists had hoped Betpas that economic growth and increase in emissions have been decoupled from the global perspective. 76 experts from 15 countries have now predicted a rise in emissions of between 1.8 and 3.7 percent. This year’s projection appears, according to the research Association in the journals Nature, Earth System Science Data and Environmental Research Letters.

It is not sufficient to promote the Expansion of renewable energies, said study author Corinne Le Quéré, Director of the Tyndall centre for climate change research at the UK’s University of East Anglia. “The desire to dispense with fossil fuels, must be extended to the whole economy.”

according to The researchers, the energy demand for cars and Trucks, air travel, and ship traffic is too fast for the switch to renewable energy could compensate for this. In addition, the use of coal should be increased as an energy carrier in 2018.

the main driver is increasing demand for energy in China and India. Also in the US, CO2 emissions have increased this year, therefore, is likely to fall again in the coming years. In the EU, which is for ten percent of global CO2 emissions, decreased emissions, according to the projection between 2.6 and 1.3 percent.

the countries with The most greenhouse gas emissions according to the “Global Carbon Project”, in this order, China, the USA, India, Russia, Japan, Germany, Iran, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, and Canada. The 28 EU member States together, lying in third place behind China and the United States.p>

The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere will increase the projection that in the year 2018, further to an average of 407 ppm (particles per Million particles). The world meteorological organization (WMO), they rose in 2017 already 403,3 ppm to 405,5.

CO2 is the main greenhouse gas and is created primarily by the burning of coal, Oil and Gas, cement production and other industrial processes. The concentration of CO2 is now more than 45 per cent higher than in pre-industrial times, i.e. prior to 1750. Since then, the average temperature has risen by about one degree.

Currently, representatives negotiate from almost 200 countries at the world climate conference in Kattowitz (Katowice) concerning the rules for the implementation of the Paris climate agreement, with the help of global warming is to be limited to well below two degrees and, preferably, 1.5 degrees compared to pre-industrial era around 1750.