The last convulsions of the Bikini-delusion on a highly polished engine covers: The new Pirelli calendar shows women as people with hopes and Dreams.

By Bernd Graff Bernd Graff

Born, school, College, academic degrees. Assistant to the chair. Subjects: Philosophy, German Literature, Theatre Science. The author of the SZ since 1992. A home in the Feuilleton. Since 1995, a member of the Online editorial team of the SZ. A founding member of the editorial Board. Since 2006, in present Position. Ride every day and in almost any weather and any Season of the year, one and a half hours in the publishing house and back again. Is usually better as he goes. So much for the fun at work. The Internet and its services is one of the best achievements of mankind. Is expectable to be always online. Sometimes he sleeps.

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It was a strange thing with Gun Shows, cars, tires, and cigarettes. At some point, the advertising agencies, on-the-Mad-Men-time had agreed, especially the US, to the fact that the products of all industries, have to do in a Betsmove sense with fire and smoke, apply with half-naked women, the your 30. Years of age have not yet reached.

Sexist ads in image-fantasies from smoke, noise, metal and rubber origin. You still don’t know why. But perhaps the last convulsions of this Bikini madness loll about on the highly polished hood of the car salons of the Western world.

Earlier it was the year of the calendar, the Italian tyre company “Pirelli” as the gold sequins the standard of this Form of product treatment. This is no longer so. Meanwhile, international photo artists tell sensationally staged stories. For the year 2019 of the Scottish photographer Albert Watson, among others, the Model Gigi Hadid, the actor can win, Laetitia Casta, Julia Garner (in our image: © Albert Watson, Pirelli calendar 2019) and the prima ballerina Misty Copeland has to be in the somnambulistic atmosphere simply. The fantastic staging of Non-Inszeniertheit seems to be in Watson’s unreal realities, this worked perfectly. “It is in view of the Me-Too movement more,” said the photographer, “half-naked Bikini-arrange girls on the beach.” The Pirelli calendar 2019 has benefited from it.