It went the Spanish version of the ’King’s fall’ at The Royal Theatre right bad. The only one really enthusiastic review, I have registered, in Berlingeren, was written by a high school student, who is not accustomed to go to the theatre. You should probably be either unfamiliar with the theater or accustomed to a completely different kind to get pleasure from Carlus Padrissas visit. Or have a very open mind.

Isolation spanierens wheeling and dealing with John. V. Jensen fine text seem outrageous. What do you need with all the water and all the creaking scene changes? But Padrissa does not come out of the air. He and his group, La Fura del Bau, from Catalonia, has roots going back to the medieval itinerant gøglertrupper. For them is theatre a visual art form. Words is something that comes late in the process. Sound and sight come long before language.

Photo: Christian Friedländer

the Man on the left has the word.

There are two alienating elements in this family picture, a man who is Goldenbahis the next naked under his dressing gown, and a real adult koncertharpe in the hands of a child. It is also the two stones in the family shoes: the alcoholic little brother, which need not be greasy to the Great Father, and the child who is set to make exaggerated impression on the life of the party the subject, her grandfather, while the family’s repressed older brother lies on the floor and looks wistfully up at her daughter.

after all, also in skuespilleri theatre means the image something. But not near the same as in the painting-the theater. It is a setting that is steeped in words. Johanne Louise Schmidt, who gets his break, not break, even through at this picture where she is hidden behind the harp.

I wish we had it in the theatre as with film. We know that there are light years between the one and the other kind of movies, and we orient ourselves according to the different genres: action, crime, sci-fi, thriller, comedy, etc. No one goes to Woody Allen for to see car chases, or Star Wars to enjoy the actor’s art.

No one goes to Woody Allen for to see car chases, or Star Wars to enjoy the actor’s art

The big institutionsteatre is so deeply rooted in the taleteatrets and the great actor’s tradition, it works for her surprising and wrong that it suddenly splashing with water, squeal with strings and lights up the pictures with the actors as puppets.