in the Middle – and Vestjyllands Police received Sunday at 10.39 a review about a serious collision between two passenger cars.

They report that two people had perished in the accident. A person is arrested and charged with manslaughter.

There are two cars of the brands Ford Mondeo and Citroen C1, which are encountered together.

the Accident happened on the Hodsagervej by Brogårdvej at Hodsager in central Jutland, near Holstebro. Witnesses inform the police that a car stops and waits to turn left at Brogårdvej from Hodsagervej, as it is the påkørt from behind by another car.

In the car sat an adult woman and three Milanobet children. The 41-year-old woman, who was the driver of the car, and a seven-year-old girl was killed on the spot. A nine-year-old boy is hard wounded, while another seven-year-old girl is more easily injured.

in the Middle – and Vestjyllands Police informs at the same time that the 24-year-old male driver of the other car also is more easily injured. He is now arrested and charged with manslaughter. Man is made in grundlovsforhør Monday 10. december.

the Police will also inform, to the family of the killed is underettet. The roads are at 15.30-time again open for traffic, sound it far from the Middle – and Vestjyllands Police.

the clean-up operation are Sunday afternoon walk at the T-junction at the Hodsagervej and Brogårdvej west of Hodsager. Photo: Morten Stricker/Ritzau Scanpix