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car Dealers on the island of Funen and in Jutland is on the toes, for a younger man in recent months has made a dishonest habit out of borrowing expensive cars to dealers and then never come back with them.

Ekstra Bladet wrote the first time about the case, as the dealer Bjarke Linderoth from Vejle hung biltyven out by name on Facebook to warn his colleagues about the man, and in the hope of getting the public’s help to get his Audi A7 to 500,000 dollars in return.

The lookup as car dealer in denmark, Michael Outzen from Outzen Bilcenter in the Call, and when the man suddenly stood in his shop the previous Sunday and would borrow a BMW M 550 for a test run, he was alarmed.

– I go into my office and calling to Bjarke Linderoth to confirm the man’s identity, says Michael Outzen to Ekstra Bladet.

While Michael Outzen tried to keep the man going with the talk, called Bjarke Linderoth to the police.

– I tell the police, he stands at the Outzen Bilcenter and will borrow a car. Police say he is not called for, so they can’t do anything about. So, I think that legal certainty is not worth much. I felt it was nothing worth, says Bjarke Linderoth to Ekstra Bladet.

I stand and talk cars with the man, and then calling Bjarke to me and says, the police can not go into the matter, says Michael Outzen, who was going to have to lie over for biltyven and tell that the car was reserved for another customer.

– I give him an explanation, as does, he snatches the car with. I expected, in fact, that the police came. It was not super fun, says Michael Outzen.

– Were you scared when you faced him, and the police will not come?

I was alone in the store, and there were no other customers. I didn’t know what type of man he is, and what situation he is in, so the thought entered my mind, if he could have had a weapon, and therefore it was also important for me to avert the situation, says Michael Outzen.

Biltyven accepted Michael outzen’s few day and left the store to go towards the next car trade, which is up the road. While rushed Michael Outzen to call to his colleagues to warn them against the man who would soon stand in their store.

But the dealers in the Rings and Bjarke Linderoth is far from the only dealers who are so unfortunate to have had a visit from biltyven. Four days before the visit on the island of Funen lived the man, whose identity Tipobet has Extra Leaf familiar, at Hessel Cars in Horsens.

Here was, unfortunately, only aware of the man’s intentions after he had been allowed to run from the store on a test run in a Mercedes to 500,000 crowns. Luckily there were tracking devices in the car, so Hessel Cars could be the day after to retrieve the car in Faaborg. Car was running out of fuel, but was otherwise without damage.

the lucky winner was Brian Østergaard from Østergaard Cars in Grindsted not. He rented a Passat wagon to a value of serving 255,000 dollars in a month to the man. Brian Østergaard was, however, aware of the man’s past thefts, so when he got a tip that the car was in Kolding, he fetched it home some days before the rental period expired 14. november. The windshield was smashed, and biltyven had been running for many kilometers, so Østergaard Cars have had a significant loss but still got the car again.

JL Cars in Brovst is missing however still his Mini Cooper Works to a value of 180.000 euros. It has been missing since biltyven drove away in the 5. november. And the JL Cars are in despair over the lack of action from the police.

– We have not got the car back yet, and I have spoken with the police, who say they are in time with a investigation. I simply do not understand how the man can operate in the whole of Denmark yet, and it is not being taken more seriously, says Maria Jensen from the JL Cars.

All cases are gathered with The Police, which to date has 15 conditions.

– We must have found him and charged him for all the conditions. And if we, in cooperation with the public prosecution service may reach that it is notoriously brugstyveri, and the only way we can prevent, he is doing more, is by varetægtsfængsle him, then we do it, ” says Jørgen Andersen, vicepolitiinspektør of the Funen Police to Ekstra Bladet.

You say, I must have him found. He was at a car dealership in the Call last Sunday, which was called after the police, who had not the opportunity to get out there. How can it be?

– I can’t answer That. It is with vagtchefen, they have the call. But it is important, they call the police, if they suspect it is a scammer, standing there, and it may be him. And the best is if you can keep him with talk, ” says Jørgen Andersen.

And it did the dealer Call just.

– So is it also brandærgerligt, we have not had the resources to get out. But it is quite clear, he must be arrested and sieved, so that we can stop him, ” says Jørgen Andersen.

Here are some of the cars, the man has stolen or attempted to steal

, Østergaard Cars: Passat station wagon to a value of serving 255,000 dkk. rented out. The car was found in Kolding with a smashed windshield.

, WK Cars: BMW to a value of dkk 240,000. loaned out for test drive. Found on the island of Funen 29. October.

, Vestjysk Dealership, Mercedes loaned out for test drive. Borrowed a half an hour after the BMW. Found in the same city as the BMW 29. October.

, Linderoth Cars, Audi A7 to a value of dkk 500,000. loaned out for test drive. Found in the same city as the BMW and Mercedesen.

Hessel Cars, Mercedes, for a value of 500,000 crowns. loaned out for a test run. The car was found the day after in Fåborg.

JL Cars: Mini Cooper Works to a value of 180.000 dkk. loaned out for test drive. Still needs to be found.

, Outzen Bilcenter, the Man was interested in a BMW M 550 for a test run. But he was not.

Emmerske Cars, the Man was interested in a BMW to a value of 750.000 kr. for a test run. But he was recognized and got the not with.