Russia mourns the death of the deceased human rights activist and Kremlin critic Lyudmila Alexeyeva. She died after a severe illness at the age of 91 years in Moscow, informed the human rights Council of the Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday. The body Alexeyeva was a member of until recently – despite their open criticism of the Kremlin about in the face of increasing repression against the Russian Opposition. “This is a terrible loss for the whole of the Russian human rights movement,” said the Chairman of the Council, Mikhail Fedotov, according to the communication.

Alexeyeva was one of the most well-known civil-rights Activists in Russia. It was considered the “Grande Dame” of the human rights movement in their homeland. She was internationally and in Russia, too, is highly regarded. To your 90. Had a birthday congratulates her Putin personally, and in their Moscow apartment visited.

Together with the Nobel peace prize winner Andrei Sakharov, she founded in 1976, the Moscow Helsinki group, which campaigned for the observance of human rights. For that, you had to go into exile.

Since 2004, she was a Council member of the people. In 2012, she was joined in Protest against the Kremlin’s criticism, three years later, she returned. The activist formulated their criticism in an open, described the death of the opposition Boris Nemtsov as a “terrible political murder”. A few years ago she was arrested at a Demonstration. Again and again she turned on the word heavily in discussions and not hesitate even in front of it, the policy of the Kremlin to denounce. You criticized the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula, was born in 1927, as a violation of international law and “a disgrace”.

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Putin pays tribute to work of the activist

Putin praised according to his spokesperson, the work Betgaranti of the activist. “The President appreciates the contribution made by Lyudmila Alexeyeva for the development of civil society in Russia,” said Putin’s Confidant, Dmitry Peskov. Putin respects your positions on many issues of the country. The Russian interior Ministry informed, Alexeyeva stay as an example of mercy, wisdom and boundless devotion in memory.

Also head of the government Dmitry Medvedev spoke of the family Alexejewas his condolences. For Alexeyeva, there had been “no taboo topics,” he wrote on Facebook. “She was not afraid to speak in front of it, when others were silent.”

German foreign Minister Heiko Maas, praised Alexeyeva as a great Russian, a brave, unyielding Streiterin for justice and freedom. “You up to a high age of tireless effort for the protection of human rights has shaped the human rights discourse in the Soviet Union and then in Russia is crucial,” said the SPD politician. “Your Work was and is Inspiration for human rights lawyers in Russia and in the world.”

Until shortly before her death, had used Alexeyeva for the activists Lev Ponomarev, who had been convicted of the call to non-approved protests to a holding penalty. You have spoken with your assistant yet shortly before her death, about how you could help other people, it said.

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“For many, it was and remains the soul of the human rights movement,” said the Moscow Helsinki group. “An Era comes to an end,” said her colleague Valeri Borschjow the Agency Interfax. Alexeyeva had remained true to its values and traditions, always loyal. “She has continued the human rights movement in the Soviet time.” The group will perform their work more. (dpa)