Christmas 2018+ FÖLJSå you will find the finest julgranenGuide: Which christmas tree will you choose?LOVELY FLAT

Time to buy a christmas tree.
if you Dream about a fluffy dark ”Disneygran”, or should it, perhaps, shimmering in the blue or silver? There are a variety of fir trees in the trade.
Here are the most common varieties – which christmas tree will you choose?

christmas Tree guide:

Rödgran (Picea abies): this is the tree that really smells of christmas! Reddish bark, short narrow needles. They can be both short and long, wide and narrow. Is most common in the Swedish julgranssammanhang.

Kungsgran (Abies nordmanniana): Europe’s absolute most-produced christmas tree. Dense and lush, has been called the “Disneygran” and is near enough perfect in shape. Dark green. Can grow proper.

silver fir (Abies alba L): the White stripes on the barrens of the strips gives the tree a light shimmering with silver look. Has soft needles. Cultivated a part of Sweden and can be properly high if it is allowed to grow in peace. Costs a bit more than the usual christmas trees.

Blågran (Picea pungens): A beautiful silver fir that are not barrar so easy. It Pasgol doesn’t smell either. Is dark green, a little to the bluish side and dense in the needles. Originally from the united states.

Serbian spruce (Picea omorika): From the Balkans to something lighter and a little shimmering with silver, with rather weak branches. Considered to be very beautiful.

Berggran/Norwegian fjällädelgran (Abies lasiocarpa): Narrow crown, and a scent of lime. Have a frosty, slightly blue-grey appearance.

T all (Pinus Mugo alternatively Pinus nigra): Other than the classic christmas tree, and goes to get in the “miniature format”. Increasingly in Sweden, and has a lovely fragrance. There are two varieties to choose from – svarttall and bergstall.

Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga Menziesii): bright green, flat needles and pyramid-shaped. Quite dense and “blob-like” and can also be very high. Popular abroad, but not particularly common among the English traders. Naturally grows in western north America.

Plastgran: Are available in various green shades, with a more or less naturalistic barr. Can careful handling to keep for several years. Shall be guaranteed to be allergy free.

Sources: Skogskunskap, Julgransodlarna, Smålandsgranen, The virtual flora and Skogssverige