Is it okay to take a spritter, when you have a self-driving car?

In its brandert com Alexander Samek from California forward to the reasoning, that he could be carrying home from a wet trip to the city in its semi-automatic Tesla Model S.

Unfortunately for him he fell during the ride in the police spotlight.

A patrol car pursued after him and gave the sign that he should keep to the ago. But the car continued unfazed, and upon closer inspection, it turned out – supposedly – Alexander Samek was in the process of sleep its brandert out behind the wheel. The semi-automatic car continued so, apparently, down the road under its own power. It writes The Drive.

The semi-automatic cars are designed to follow the traffic and slow down if they encounter an obstacle. A resourceful cop drove in front of the Teslaen in his patrol car.

– One of the ushers ended up simply running in front of the car to get it to slow down, says a spokesperson from the california motorvejsbetjente to KCBS Radio.

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In all, there go seven Bahsegel minutes, before they managed to stop the car. The police believe that Teslaen used his semi-automatic guidance system for moving the sleeping american around on the highways, near the californian city of Palo Alto.

The Drive writes, Model S-the autopilot could have been activated during the entire incident. The latest software update entails, however, a change, which means that the person in the driver’s seat must have your hands on the wheel every six minutes.

the Change was introduced, because some Tesla Model S owners abused the technology to run without hands on the steering wheel – and, in certain cases, came to harm in their overestimation of the car’s abilities.

the New York Post writes, that a recording from a surveillance camera shows Alexander Samek hiccups, while he – shortly after being awakened from its fuldemandssøvn – are being questioned by california police.

the Cars – 5. dec. 2018 – at. 17:57 0 stars to the sound of the Fiat: ‘simply embarrassing’