Saturday night could the tv viewers see Emil Obel being touted as the winner of ‘The great bagedyst’ 2018. The 17-year-old kid from Dunblane is not just the youngest winner ever in Denmark, but throughout the world. According to DR appears kagekonkurrencen that has been invented by the BBC, in 30 countries, so it is something of a record, the Danish high school student can boast of.

Emil Obel has not come sleeping to its neat and very inventive cakes. It has cost me many, many hours in the kitchen, and it has had consequences on other fronts.

See also: Here is the winner of ‘The great bagedyst’

During the filming of Emil Obel in time with the end of his first year at Aurehøj Gymnasium. As the competition in the bageteltet head for the talented amatørbager, he got læseferie.

I stood up at. seven in the morning and went to bed by midnight. two, and I must admit that I have not spent much time reading. I used most of the time to bake, tells Emil Obel to the

the School was thankfully very sweet to support me. But despite the lack of profits, I had done most of the årsprøver Restbet and exams. And then I shot a single to work after the summer holidays, where I was to sygeeksamen, he says.

‘The big bagdyst’judge Markus Grigo has previously said to Ekstra Bladet, Emil Obels talent for baking could bring him far. Even is the young winner not sure that it is the cakes and baking, to fill his future.

See also: No doubt: He is the winner of the ‘Bagedysten’

– When working professionally, for example in a pastry shop, there are fixed things that needs to be done. It means that it is less experimental, and I don’t know if I want to. As it is now, I do it, that inspires me, and what I think is fun, ” says Emil Obel, who in his own words always imagined that he must work as a set designer or costumier, when he becomes an adult.

the Extra Leaf has to go through several weeks trying to get a talk with Emil Obel. Not in connection with his victory, he has had time for a short interview.

See also: so you don’t on tv: ‘Bagedyst’-involved in the serious accident.

Such as Emil Obels impressed finalekage out. Photo: Agnete Schlichtkrull/DR