Noteworthy to the investigation by Robert Mueller is not in the rule, which penetrates everything out. The discrete special investigator to find out on behalf of the U.S. Department of justice, whether it was in the presidential campaign of 2016, is a collaboration of Donald trump’s Team with Russia, succeed in something, what has become rare: The Public knows little about the actual extent of the investigation. And yet again and again there is a kind of in-between on the track, the Mueller’s Team since may of 2017.

So it was increased last week by several comments from Mueller for dishes clear, that a focus of his work is to find out whether Trump has followed up far in the campaign there business interests in Moscow and the help of the Russian government hoped for. Can Mueller has the evidence, and may also Trump come to meet the political, such as an easing of sanctions after the Ukraine crisis, it would be a Bang.

lying about contacts with Russian circles

The most recent statement from trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen, confirms at least, that Russia had a close relationship with the possible future President with great interest. Trump was offered, therefore, in the election campaign, support for the ultimately concluded plans to build a high-rise building with luxury apartments in Moscow.

In the past week, Casinomaxi other suspicions were moments in public, where Mueller works. So in the case of trump’s former campaign Manager Paul Manafort, or Ex-security consultant Michael Flynn, who had both lied about their contacts with Russian circles.

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The President initially reacted in the usual way: with a forward defensive and angry attacks. He explained by Mueller’s new documents in the Cohen case for “completely” relieved – his base will believe it. He looks, however, quite so relaxed on the storm that is brewing in this together, shows the sacking of his chief of staff John Kelly. Since Trumps people no longer trust the Ex-General, the White house, against the gathering to arm hazards, you must Kelly. In addition, he was interviewed by Mueller. He should provide information about whether or not Trump disabled the judiciary, because he wanted to fire the special investigator. What did he say?

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Donald Trump and Robert Mueller New difficulties for “individual 1”

Juliane Schäuble

piece by piece, composed of Mueller to be mosaic, with which he wants to prove that Russia is up to in the US election campaign, interfered, and the Team Trump was receptive. In the case of the opposition Democrats of the first cars to the front, calling for impeachment proceedings against Trump. Even if the has currently given the majority in the Senate, with little prospect of success: the Public knows only fragments of Mueller’s investigation. What should the President really uneasy, what is not yet known to the public.