Ikea+ FÖLJHedvig Falkenborn, 29, had breakfast – when Ikea’s scented candles exploded”glass shards all over the living room”NEWS

Hedvig Falkenborn, 29, sat on the couch and ate breakfast when she suddenly heard a loud bang.

Next to her had the Ikea scented candles exploded.

– It flew supervarma and sharp pieces of glass everywhere, ” she says.

in his apartment In Solna started Hedvig Falkenborn, 29, Sunday to cook breakfast.

As always, she lit a couple of scented candles that stood on the coffee table.

But when she ate the first meal she suddenly heard a hearty whack.

She checks, then away, and see that the doftljuset from Ikea exploded. At the same time, she is met by the flying pieces of glass.

”Could have gone really bad”

– There is broken glass all over the living room, and it is quite large pieces of glass that flew a meter or two, ” says Hedvig Falkenborn and continues:

– When I shall gather together all the pieces of glass are the supervarma, it could have gone really bad if you had been there. But luckily, I sat a few feet to the side, so it did not come in my direction.

She tells me that she was very shocked by the incident because she daily light candles but something like that never has happened in the past. Glasexplosionen caused, among other things, a damage in the wall.

– Had gone there or if any children had been right in front had you been able to get Gorabet the this big the glass was supervarma, it could have gone really bad.

1 of 3 | Photo: Hedvig FalkenbornDoftljuset from Ikea that exploded.Ikea: Very rare

Felix Östman at the Ikea press office regrets what happened and asks Hedvig to contact the store’s customer service. According to him, it is very rare that the glass explodes. The few times it happens, the cause is usually that the man had something laying around in the glass, for example, a use match.

“It is truly regrettable that this has happened, the glass will not crack by itself and it is very, very, rarely that it happens,” says Felix Östman, inc., of furniture giant.

– We sell millions of glasses every year but there are extremely few incidents where the glass cracks. We follow up all injuries to see if there is any special trend that has occurred, and we have not been able to see that any such a trend has increased.

it’s all about that she had bad luck because she seems to be one in a million?

– It is difficult to say without examining it. The light has security features that prevents the glass to shatter, but for example, when a match is in the glass so they do not work and if you are unlucky, then the glass crack. Regardless, we want to contact us so that we can investigate why the glass cracked.

Hedvig says she will in the future be more careful and instead use candles without the glass container.