(Finansavisen.no): Rate Group spitting into 80 million Danish kroner in the Danish treningssenterkjeden Fitness DK, according to the Danish newspaper to the stock Exchange. Rate bought treningssenterkjeden for 100 million Danish kroner in the summer.

Fitness DK had gone with the large loss years in advance, and the chain was referred to as a tapssluk.

Now, it has been decided that the Rate Group skroter Fitness DK-name, and part of the investment will therefore be spent on the rebranding, writes Finansavisen.

Fitness DK has 40 centers around in Denmark, which is now being Rate-centers.

– Most of the money goes to renovation and remodeling, ” says adf. director of the Concerto Group, Sondre Gravir. In addition, he says, will much go to the education and Nerobet training of employees, and marketing, writes the newspaper.

According to the Danish director of the Fitness DK, James Hansen, the company has an ambition to grow 5-10 per cent in the year ahead.

The Danish market begins to be characterised by an overcapacity in relation to the number of centers. If you wish to have more members, one must of course take some of them from the competition. But there are still opportunities to expand the market, ” says Hansen of the stock Exchange.

the Rate also has a name change in the works in Norway on the day. Treningssenterkjeden is to omprofilere their Norwegian centers from the “Rate-Elixia” to “Rate”.

the Chain should, according to the Gravir use “quite many tens of millions” on this.

the Money goes to the rearmament of the centers, the introduction of new concepts, procurement of new equipment and marketing, writes Finansavisen.

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