Evening journal news Sunday morning, how any Finnish driver’s license information you could get from one website. Through the services of persons got to know the other things. Trafi, the service is likely to return to use later.Finnish driver’s license information was for a moment a couple of clicks away, but not anymore. Tom Vuokola

the evening paper the news Sunday morning, how all of license information are now in the public domain. The Finnish transport safety agency trafi’s website was able to pick up anyone’s driver’s license information, if you only know the person’s name and home municipality.

trade journal for the trafi of the matter was justified so that the transport information is in principle public and taxi transport diversification, all should have the opportunity to review the driver’s driving rights.

newspaper news gathered outraged comments from citizens who were going to make complaints who where. Many were worried that the service could easily figure out, for example, people in the whole name. Many have also wondered, and driver’s license validity to be able to count people date of birth.

Trafi has apparently received the same enraged contact, the eye on Sunday at noon it announced that the service is temporarily unavailable.

– Trafi takes privacy and security very seriously and go through the driver information service entered the feedback. The study period of service is disabled, Finnish transport safety agency told in a statement.

”Information is public”

Trafi remind you, however, that service information are covered by the law in the public defined as information and their donation based on the right of individuals to ensure the transport of persons driving rights.

Trafi pointed out, that information has been public in the past and they Betwinner may have to ask by phone, email or pay securely online.

– Service information and data from the public eye has become Trafi queries. We understand the concern and that’s why we go through the feedback we receive, Trafi division director Janne Huhtamäki told the bulletin.

the Service displays all of the Finnish driver’s license of persons public information. It is the public authority registry, so traditional marketing – or contact the transfer prohibitions do not prevent data from view in this service. Security this information is not displayed.

the Service will return

division director, Huhtamäki told the evening newspaper, that the citizens began to come to trafi for the feedback on the Friday of the first story. The service has been open already since July.

on Social media began to have a lively discussion about how people experience this service. Presented arguments also to the fact that this is not a good service, Huhtamäki said.

Huhtamäki emphasize that this was a legal service, but Trafi now wants to ensure that citizens have nothing to worry about.


– These data are public and they have to anyone that asks give. Do we study carefully and after the service return to use. Bigger changes require legislative action. We want to take privacy and security seriously. We want these comments to go through them thoroughly.

Story updated 9.12. clock 14.38: Added a division director of huhtamäki evening paper to give a comment.

Video: a License can now also mobile, so you take a mobile license use. Trafi