Both Per Chrom-Jacobsen and Lisa von Bülow is good old-fashioned mad at the rattle.

A mailkoks from YouSee has meant that they and several other customers in the several weeks it has not had the opportunity to access their email

the Telecoms giant was trying in november to update their mailplatform, but something has gone wrong, and it has left several customers without mail and with lots of frustrations. And so even up to christmas.

Ekstra Bladet has spoken with the 59-year-old Per Chrom-Jacobsen from Copenhagen, Casinoslot not exactly impressed with YouSee.

– I think that it is totally grotesque. I have had my email for so many years, but suddenly it does not work. Why do I call YouSee where I’m waiting over 45 minutes to get through to their customer service. When it finally happens, so I get to know that they are creating a matter of urgency, and they will return. It repeats itself five times, without I hear anything from them.

at the same time, he tells that of course he could just change his email out, but it will be too extensive, as he has all of his contacts in YouSee-mail.

in general is their update in the totally miserable done, and when it goes wrong, then they are miserable to have helped us. I have had the YouSee in many years, but now I’m considering switching it all out. I can of course just contact people other places than in the mail, but I have among other things received an invitation to the christmas party, which I could not answer, says Per Chrom-Jacobsen for Extra Magazine.

the Article continues under the picture

Employees in the YouSees headquarters have come in overtime as a result of a mail-errors. Photo: Ida Guldbæk Arentsen/Ritzau Scanpix

See also: Lars would talk with YouSee-director of the mail-errors: That can go to 5 working days.

the Same experience has the 72-year-old Lisa Bülow from the Inner City in Copenhagen.

– After they have made the mail system, so the whole thing has been very clumsy and ugly. 29. november could we not get into it, and it has now been going on for over a week. We are so mad in the head, and I called to give them a cannon earful, but they still don’t know what to do. It is so nice, well we are paying over 500 kroner a month for YouSee, she says to Ekstra Bladet.

the Extra Leaf has subsequently spoken with YouSee who regrets the course of events in a response to… mail.

– What is exactly gone wrong?

– We are in the process of upgrading our mailplatform in order to make it more secure, giving customers more storage space and make it possible to get multiple email addresses. The vast majority of our customers have not experienced challenges in connection with the upgrade, but some of the customers who use client programs (e.g. Outlook red.) to change the settings in the setup, and some need to create a new password before they again have access to their mails. We very much regret the inconvenience it has caused for some of our customers, writes YouSee.

– Why has it taken so long to get put in order?

– the Vast majority of our customers have access to their mail, but when more customers than expected have needed help with setup and login after the upgrade, there are unfortunately a part that don’t have got the right guidance when they turn to us, and we must, of course, do better.

– Therefore we have now changed the pace of the upgrade and to upgrade a small number of customers at a time to ensure the best customer experience. We have also secured special training to even more employees, and we provide in addition to our employees in general are better equipped to help customers and get them directed to the right places to get help, write YouSee.

See also: Upgrading went wrong: Yousee-customers without mail

– Lisa and Per fix a lot of criticism of your customer service, since they do not believe that they have been taken seriously, when they have called. They have simply not received any response on what they should do. What will you say to the criticism?

– I would like to apologise. To be able to send and receive messages is of vital importance in a digital world, and therefore our customers rightly expect that we help them as quickly as possible, when problems arise.

– to ensure all customers the right help, we now have changed the pace of the upgrade and to upgrade a small number of customers at a time to ensure the best customer experience. We have also secured special training to even more employees, and we provide in addition to our employees in general are better equipped to help customers and get them directed to the right places to get help.

It is not the first time that YouSee has mailproblemer. In the middle of november, tried YouSee to send an email with the subject line ‘It is new, and it is better!’, but there has been a coke.

instead of just being sent once and ended it in a clean mailstorm, in which several mails have been sent to the users through several hours.

YouSee regretted the subsequent error.