Civil Kantonsräte want to curtail the responsibility of the cities of Winterthur and Zurich in the field of transport. “With bewilderment”, the Zurich city Council requests to Amend the cantonal road act. He expects that he will be invited to the consultation.

On Thursday, it was announced that the Commission for energy, traffic and the environment of the Kantonsrats (Kevu), various parliamentary initiatives for the attention of the Kantonsrats adopted. The cities of Zurich and Winterthur are not supposed to decide about the lane reduction, traffic light control, and 30 kph on Vevobahis main roads.

The Zurich city Council is in favour fully against the intended competence shift, as the city announced on Friday. The applications of the Kevu aimed to the historically evolved and time-tested division of tasks between the Canton and the city to abandon and deprive the cities of Winterthur and Zurich, you are entitled of responsibility in the transport sector.

in the opinion of the city would result in the Amendment to inefficiency and unclear interfaces. She fears issues complicated procedures and the law, because, as the owner of the roads, including railroads, traffic control and factory lines that would carry the city continues to for a lot of the responsibility. (fal/sda)

Created: 07.12.2018, 17:39 PM