A couple of missing rabbits don’t cost more than a few thousand, and the farms are generally insured. It is also not very many people who are affected.

However, testifies several of the well-exposed on a greatly discomfort, and many people feel a recurrent concern that the activists will come back.

– It is awful. It often goes with anxiety and wonder almost every morning someone must have broken into again, ” says George Falk, who operates a farm in central Sweden.

It was in the spring that the organization of the Empty Cages, did the break-in at his farm and stole two rabbits. Two additional must have escaped at the farm and George Falk has not much hope left for them.

– They are not equipped for life outside. Probably they are eaten by the fox a long time ago.

of the activists, who in general stands Mobilbahis for the farm of George Falk and all the previous actions. In connection with the fritagningarna leave they always have a signed letter and tell the police what they’ve done, as soon as they placed the animals in what they consider to be a safer home.

Martin Smedjeback was not at the action on George’s farm, but is one of the front men in the Empty Cages. He has no problem with that stand for actions.

– It is included in all of our think with civil disobedience, to be open and take responsibility for what we do, ” he says.

has the organization’s members have been sentenced to shorter prison terms. But usually it’s about fines and damages which are usually paid with the help of Swishinsamlingar or donations from persons who support their work.

” Yes, at those moments, we have asked for help. I don’t think you should have to be rich to implement the actions. There is still a risk to potentially end up in jail and in the registry.

– Well it is clear that there can be a small discomfort. But I think it is a different situation. This is their workplace. Even if it is close to home, it is only their workplace, ” says Martin Smedjeback.

in Addition to the Empty Cages are a handful of other organisations dealing with the same thing. According to Anders Drottja, krisberedskapsansvarig at Lantbrukarnas Riksförbund (LRF), most of the moved focus from minkfarmarna previously been the main goal and now go on to any type of animal husbandry.

been closed-but so far this year, five farms have been subjected, some of them repeatedly.

” They are trying to prevent us from growing. It is what I think it is all about. They want to stifle the industry while it is small and that is why they focused on us kaninproducenter this year, ” says Malin Sundmark, chairman of the Swedish Kaninproducenter.

Read more: Sweden receives an increasing number of breeders of rabbits