Sergei did voluntary relief work in the Eastern Ukrainian evacuees of Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk region, until the crashed into the widespread corruption in the tangle, and he had eventually to flee the country.In ukraine there are nearly two million internally displaced persons.Most of Eastern Ukraine to escape the people are in their own country without official status, of charity.In ukraine, the war continues in its fifth year after Russia occupied the Crimean peninsula and penetrated into Eastern Ukraine in the spring of 2014.Sergei’s car was thrown in a grenade, after which he moved with his family first to Kiev and then from Ukraine under pressure. Read the image

the Summer 2014 moved to Sergey and his family’s life forever. She lived in Luhansk, Eastern Ukraine. Over the border came the russians, and Sergey helped the Ukrainian military units, which had ranked in the Luhansk airport. The family house was right at the airport.

Bahis Siteleri When your near the house began to come gradeja, we’re going away, Sergei time in summer 2014.

at the Same time, the Russian security service, the FSB began Sergei, according to information obtained by the list of the Ukrainian army to those who helped activists, which Sergeikin hear. Was left with no option than to leave home and escape.

the Family ended up in Kiev and Lviv through Ivano-frankivsk in Western ukraine to many other idps in a way. They settled in the earlier camp as a center functioning in the building, which became the reception centre.

the Ukrainian government did not help practically in any way. We decide to take action, Sergei said.

the most Acute problem for the country’s internal refugees was, and still is, housing. Sergei told a variety of projects, which he tried to get evacuees of the apartment in order.

we Discussed with Sergei video calls via. He is currently with his family in Central Europe after being under pressure to escape also from Kiev.

Sergei (left) and his friend Albert are both forced to leave their homes in Eastern Ukraine. The photo was taken in Ivano-frankivsk in summer 2014. The reader a picture of a piece of land

Sergei found Ivano-Frankivsk region piece of land, which could very well build houses for evacuees. He began to figure out the issue, which is in Ukraine easier said than done.

at First all seemed promising. Empty plot of land in a remote area, so to speak, into a wasteland. The plot is not, however, been marked on the map, which amazed Sergei. He left to sort things out in the municipal administration. Followed by a long correspondence, in which it strangely twist was.

Eventually he received the answer: the piece of land belongs to the agricultural institute, and it is the right decision. Sergei asked the relevant law, in which matter does not know with him anything. Soon it became clear that in the east fighting the war veterans were asked the same area of land for their own use.

I was told think about what kind of hello that arise if land is given to you, not veterans, Sergei time.

Western Ukraine is often considered the east to escape from people. They are considered doubtful inter alia, in the Russian language character. Western Ukraine is largely Ukrainian speaking area.

Sergei found out that the local land use agency and the veteran had some sort of agreement together with the developer.

– construction company will get the land and makes the floor of the house, where veterans receive some of the apartments and the remaining apartments in the company can sell.

Sergei saw it wiser to leave the negotiations. He asked, instead, whether a refugee to another land.

the delegates said, we don’t want to go there, because where we’re building the Russian world, Sergei sneers.

Just the Russian world, he and hundreds of thousands of other itäukraina types fled to Western Ukraine.

Sergey has been coordinated in the past also in Finland, came to the aid shipments in Ivano-Frankivsk. Reader’s picture of threats and the killing

Soon became clear that different parts of ukraine to find other similar agreements with municipalities, construction companies, and veterans. Sergey started small with a group to collect cases of documents into evidence and turned to the anti corruption agency.

– They did not take the incident handling, because the case was not associated with mps, Sergei said.

Material however accumulated, and voluntary investigation of the group have been subjected to forces they were worried about. Sergei’s group take cases to court.

in February 2017 sergei’s car glass was broken and the office windows were hit twice to smithereens. Investigations proceeded, and in July of 2018 one volunteer killed in Mariupol in the nearby town. The killer was caught and the case in court is still pending.

Sergei began to receive threatening messages on his phone. That house of hers on the stairs appeared a note by which the family was mentioned by name and were invited to return to Luhanskiin.

Eventually the car threw a grenade. Fortunately, the car didn’t have anybody. Sergey reported the matter to the local police, but the police according to the actual threat does not exist.

the Family decided to go to Ivano-frankivsk from Kiev in September 2018. Threatening messages continued.

I Got messages that said ”give us the documents and the case will be forgotten,” Sergei told me.

His corruption survey is likely to hit something larger coil, because the persecution has continued to this day.

Now the family applied for asylum in Central Europe. For security reasons, Sergei does not want publicity of the state, where he with his family currently lives. She told me that the authorities of that country said that the first time they encounter asylum seekers, which is a pet involved.

– We didn’t want to leave our daughter’s cat to Kiev, but we took it. One cat stayed Luhanskiin, and its fate we mourn all these years.

Sergey and other volunteers the office was broken into. Sergei, according to the breaking looking for volunteers to collect evidence of corruption. Read the image